IR - 6/24/59 - VIII (924
<br />AQ 94790
<br />FU.11' 5116 PW501
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this day of ,T�� a _,- 1959,
<br />by and between SOUTHERN PAST_ , a corj�'oration of the State
<br />of Delaware, Grantor, ar_d CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corpo-
<br />ration of the State of California, Grantee;
<br />For a valuable consideration, Grantor hereby quitclaims to
<br />Grantee all of itc right, title and interest in and to the following
<br />described real property:
<br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County
<br />of Alameda, State of California, described as follovrs :
<br />Beginning at the most eastern corner of that cer-
<br />tain 6.70 acre tract of land described in the deed from
<br />Kaiser Community Homes to Pacific Iron & Steel Co.,
<br />dated July 12, 1948, recorded July 15, 1948 in Book
<br />5535 of Official Records of Alameda County, California
<br />at page 403 (AC/55314); thence along the southeastern
<br />line of the last mentioned tract, outh 610 53' 18"
<br />west, 570.11 feet, more or less, to the northeastern
<br />line of Alvarado Street; thence along the last men-
<br />tioned line :youth 28' 13' 56" east 30.00 feet; thence
<br />north 61° 53' 18" east, 1197ti52 feet, more or less,
<br />to the southwestern line of the land, 100 feet wide,
<br />of the Central Pacific Railway Company; thence along
<br />said land, north 42' 39' west, 30.99 feet; thence
<br />f outh 610 53' 18" .,rest, 619.63 feet, .more or less, to
<br />the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.82 of
<br />an acre, more or less.
<br />EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, M- EVER, to Grantor, its successors
<br />and assigns, forever, the title and exclusive right to all of the
<br />minerals and mineral ores of every kind and character now known to
<br />exist or hereafter discovered upon, within or underlying said land
<br />or that may be produced therefrom, including, without limiting the
<br />generality of the foregoin-, all petroleum, oil, natural gas and
<br />other hydrocarbon substances and products derived therefrom, to-
<br />gether with the exclusive and perpetual right of said Grantor, its
<br />successors and assigns, of ingress and egress beneath the surface
<br />of said land to explore for, extract, mine and remove the same,
<br />and to make such use of the said land beneath the surface as is
<br />necessary or useful in connection therewith, which use may include
<br />lateral or slant drilling, boring, digging or sinking of wells,
<br />1.
<br />C-1
<br />