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Reso 2022-149 Determining Necessity to Incur Debt
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2022-149 Determining Necessity to Incur Debt
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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of related environmental evaluations; all costs associated with the establishment of the CFD, the <br />issuance of bonds and other Debt, the determination of the amount of any special taxes, and the <br />collection or payment of any special taxes; and any costs otherwise incurred to carry out the <br />authorized purposes of the CFD, together with any other expenses incidental to the acquisition and <br />construction of the Facilities. <br />SECTION 5. The whole of the territory within the CFD will be benefited by the Debt <br />and will be subject to the special tax to pay for the Debt. <br />SECTION 6. The aggregate principal amount of the proposed Debt to be incurred, in <br />one or more series, to finance the acquisition and construction of the Facilities may not exceed the <br />Authorization, which amount, in each case, includes all costs and estimated costs incidental to, or <br />connected with, the accomplishment of the purpose for which the Debt is proposed to be incurred, <br />including the estimated costs of acquisition of land and rights -of -way; capacity or connection fees; <br />satisfaction of contractual obligations relating to expenses or the advancement of funds for <br />expenses existing at the time the Debt issued under the Act; fees for architectural, engineering, <br />inspection, legal, fiscal, and financial -consultant services; bond and other reserve funds; discount <br />fees; interest on any Debt estimated to be due and payable within two years of issuance of the <br />Debt; election costs; and all costs of issuance or incurrence of the Debt, including fees for bond <br />counsel and disclosure counsel, costs of obtaining credit ratings, bond -insurance premiums, fees <br />for letters of credit and other credit -enhancement costs, and printing costs. <br />SECTION 7. Bonds or other Debt will be issued in such series, will bear interest <br />payable semi-annually (or in any other manner as the City Council determines) at a rate not to <br />exceed the maximum rate of interest authorized by applicable law at the time of sale of the bonds <br />or other debt, and must mature not later than 40 years after the date of issuance <br />SECTION 8. Under Government Code section 53353.5, the question of levying the <br />special tax to finance the construction and acquisition of the Facilities, the question of setting the <br />appropriations limit for the CFD, and the question of whether Debt may be incurred for the CFD <br />will be combined into a single ballot question and submitted to the qualified electors of the CFD <br />at a special mailed -ballot election, as described in Section 9. <br />SECTION 9. The elections must be conducted in accordance with a separate City <br />Council resolution calling a special election for the CFD, adopted this date, to which reference is <br />made for further particulars. <br />SECTION 10. If the ballot proposition related to the incurrence of Debt for the CFD <br />receives the approval of two-thirds or more of the votes cast on the proposition, then the Debt may <br />be issued and sold for the purpose for which it was authorized, and the Debt will be paid <br />exclusively from the annual levy of the special tax as described herein (except where special funds <br />are otherwise available), and in any and all cases is not and may not be secured by any other taxing <br />power or funds of the City. <br />SECTION 11. Any Debt issued will be callable (i.e., may be redeemed or prepaid <br />before maturity) in accordance with the Act. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2022-149 3 <br />
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