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RE ......... . IMAGE . . --. <br />Approved as to Form (� <br />RICHARD J. MOORE, County Counsel <br />By------------------------------------------------------------------------Deputy <br />THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />On motion of Supervisor ------------------------------------------------- .------- Seconded by Supervisor ------- CITY ATTORNEY'S <br />.-.--..-.. <br />-- ---- a <br />and approved by the following vote, MAY 4 - 1972 <br />Ayes: Supervisors ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------ - - ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />- <br />Noes: Supervisors --------------------------------------- lfiY-OVSAN-tFAiV'JRO-- ..._. <br />Excusedor Absent: Supervisors ----------------- ---------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------....------------ ...................... <br />---- ---- <br />1438U3 <br />THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION WAS ADOPTED: CANCEL TAX ES NUMBER --------- ................_-........_..--.. __. <br />WHEREAS, certain real property situate in the City of at , County <br />of Alameda, State of California, and more particularly described under the following account number(s): <br />Ti-IT-1 ALL MI-71 <br />is now subject to a lien for uncollected taxes or assessments and penalties or costs thereon; and <br />WHEREAS, after the time said taxes or assessments and penalties and costs thereon became a lien <br />on said real property, it was acquired by the City o4 :N L"nd= <br />, as shown on that/1MMM certain deed(s) duly recorded in <br />the office of the Recorder of Alameda County, and because of such public ownership is not subject to <br />sale for delinquent taxes; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Of am Los"" has requested <br />the cancellation of said uncollected taxes and assessments and penalties and costs thereon now a lien <br />upon the hereinabove described real property; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by this Board of Supervisors, with the <br />written consent of the County Counsel of the County of Alameda, slid With tAW Writtea t <br />QY tb* City Attomy of the City of fta Laswbe, <br />that the County Auditor be and he is hereby ordered and directed to cancel any and all uncollected taxes <br />or assessments and penalties or costs thereon, now a lien upon the above described parcel(s) of real <br />property; provided, however, that this resolution and order shall not be construed as making or author- <br />izing the cancellation of any taxes or assessments or penalties or costs thereon, charged or levied on <br />any possessory interest in or to said parcel(s) of real property, or any special assessment levied on <br />said parcel(s) of real property; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that if said parcel(s) of real property hasomw been <br />sold to the State for nonpayment of any of said taxes, and a certificate of sale or deed therefor has been <br />issued to the State, and the State has not disposed of the property so sold, the County Auditor be and he <br />is hereby ordered and directed to cancel the certificate of sale or deed so issued; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Sections 134, 2921. 5 and 4986 of the <br />Revenue and Taxation Code, the Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer uncollected taxes <br />and penalties thereon from the "Secured Roll" to the "Unsecured Roll". <br />CONSENT OF THE COUNTY COUNSEL OF THE <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA <br />The County Counsel of the County of Alameda, State of California, hereby consents to the cancella- <br />tion of all uncollected county taxes or assessments and penalties or costs thereon, charged or levied <br />and now a lien upon the real property hereinabove described, and as shown on thatXMIAM certain deed(s) <br />duly recorded in the office of the Recorder of Alameda County. <br />I CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING IS A COR. <br />RECT COPY OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY <br />THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ALAMEDA <br />COUNTY, CALIFORNIA..._-MAY _ 2+ 1972 <br />R� <br />ATTEST: ..---•-•-•• .. ............mAY19Q .--•• - <br />K. <br />TMOCRD OFLSUPERVISORS' <br />BY: a <br />RICHARD J. MOO RE <br />County Counsel for the County of Alameda, <br />State of California <br />By T* J. room <br />Deputy County Counsel for the County of Alameda, <br />State of California Fit 2y3 <br />,4201V <br />