1 "Exhibit C" attached to the petition filed herein, on the prop-
<br />2 erty hereinbefore described, to secure the payment of said note.
<br />3 (4) The property to be covered by said mortgage is the
<br />4 same as described in the leased property above referred to.
<br />b (5) That said IONE FRANCIS MASKELL, as executrix of the
<br />6 estate of said decedent, be, and she is hereby authorized,
<br />7 empowered and permitted to grant an easement to CITY OF SAN
<br />8 LEANDRO, a Municipal Corporation, for the installation and main-
<br />9 tenance of a roadway, storm and sanitary sewers, and all public
<br />10 utility purposes, in, under, over, along and across a portion of
<br />11 Lhe hereinabove described property, situated in the City of San
<br />12 Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as
<br />13 follows:
<br />14 BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southwesterly line of Easy
<br />14tth Street formerly County Road from San Leandro to Hayward
<br />15 (100 feet wide) with the centerline of 143rd Avenue, formerly
<br />Knox Avenue (50 feet wide)thence along said centerline of said
<br />16 143rd Avenue, South 430 24; 45'' West 142.00 feet; thence North
<br />46° 35' 15" West 35.00 feet to a point on a line that is parallel
<br />17 with and distant Northwesterly 35.00 feet, measured at right
<br />angles, from said centerline of said 143rd Avenue, said point
<br />18 being the True Point of Beginning of the herein described parcel;
<br />thence along said parallel line, North 43° 24' 45" East 110.89
<br />19 feet; thence along a tangent curve to the left with a radius of
<br />30.00 feet through a central angle of 91° 04' 22", an arc
<br />20 length of 47.69 feet to a point of tangency with the Southwesterly
<br />line of said East 14th Street; thence along said Southwesterly
<br />21 line, South 47° 39' 37" East 40.57 feet to the existing North-
<br />westerly line of said 143rd Avenue; thence along last mentioned
<br />22 line, south 430 24' 45" West 141.54 feet; thence North 46° 35'
<br />23 151' West 10.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.
<br />24 (6) That said IONE FRANCIS MASKELL, as .Executrix of the
<br />25 estate of said decedent, be, and she is hereby authorized, em-
<br />26 powered and emm directed, in connection with the property being
<br />27 leased pursuant to this Court Order, to grant to ORA LOMA SANI-
<br />28 TARY DISTRICT, a municipal corporation, an easement for the
<br />29 installation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair
<br />30 and operation of sanitary sewer pipe or pipes and appurtenances,
<br />31IIand work auxiliary thereto, in, over, across and upon the leased
<br />32
<br />6 PRETZER
<br />483-3900
<br />AREA CODE 41 S
<br />y described in this Order, and said Easement is more
<br />4. 1 '? ,1 ?
<br />91
<br />