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Easement - East 14th St & 143rd Ave, easement - File 657E, 1968
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Easement - East 14th St & 143rd Ave, easement - File 657E, 1968
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9/15/2022 4:37:01 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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11 <br />directed to execute and deliver to SHELL OIL COHFANY a lease <br />2 of the real property herein described, said lease to commence <br />3 n the date of completion of construction of an automobile ser- <br />4 ice station on the premises, or on the first day of December, <br />6 19683, whichever date occurs first, and would end on the last day <br />s <br />f the one hundred eightieth (180th) full calendar mont;r.1 after <br />7 <br />such date of completion of construction, with options. to extend <br />8 <br />he lease for three additional periods of five (5) years each. <br />9 <br />he rental would be the sum of $1,278.80 per month during the <br />10 <br />primary term of the lease and $1,078.00 a month during any <br />11 <br />ptional extension periods of the lease, said rental being pay- <br />12 able in advance on or before the first day of each month, with <br />13 ent pro rated for any period less than a calendar month. The <br />14 further terms and conditions of the lease are set forth in the <br />15 ,o of the proposed lease attached to and made a <br />PY P P part of the <br />16 ?etition herein and therein referred to as "Exhibit A". <br />17 <br />(2) The real property hereby authorized to be leased is <br />18 <br />19 situated in the County of Alameda, State of California, and is <br />escr.ibed as follows: <br />20 <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />21 Mate of California, described as follows: <br />22 O (ENCING at the intersection of the Southwesterly line of East <br />L4th Street, formerly County Road from San Leandro to Hayward, <br />23 LOO feet wide with the centerline of 143rd Avenue, formerly <br />Knox Avenue, 10 feet wide; thence alorif said centerline of said <br />24 143rd Avenue, South 43' 24' 45" West 142.00 feet; thence North <br />1f6° 35' 15" West 35.00 feet to a point on a line that is parallel <br />25 gith and distant northwesterly 35.00 feet, measured at right <br />26 angles, from said centerline of said 143rd Avenue, said parallel <br />Line being the proposed right of way line of 143rd Avenue, said <br />27 oint being the true point of beginning of the herein described <br />arcel; thence continuing North 46° 35 15" West 169.44 feet; <br />28 hence North 430 24' 45" East 138.18 feet to a point on said <br />,authwesterly line of said East 14th Street; thence along last <br />29 :aid Southwesterly line, South 47° 39' 37" East 138.90 feet to <br />he beginning of a tangent curve said curve being concave <br />iesterly and having a radius of 30.00 feet; thence along said <br />30 urve, through a central angle of 91° 04' 22", an arc distance <br />31 f 47.69 feet to a point on said proposed right of way line of <br />43rd Avenue, said proposed right of way line being tangent to <br />32 ast mentioned curve; thence along aaid proposed right of way <br />SPRIJANCE, 51MONIAN ine of 143rd Avenue, South 43° 24' 45" West 110.78 feet to the <br />& PRETZER RUE POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />114 PARROTT STREET <br />PELTON CENTER <br />SAN LEANDRO, CALIF. •;�� ��� <br />483-3900 <br />AREA CODE 415 <br />
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