RE:24:381 R 3`74
<br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda,
<br />State of California, described as follows:
<br />Parcel 1
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the southwestern line of San
<br />Leandro Boulevard, formerly Estudillo Street, with the northwestern
<br />line of Williams Street, said point of intersection being the most
<br />eastern corner of Lot I, Block 42, as said lot, block, and streets
<br />are shown on the map of the Town of San Leandro, filed February 27,
<br />1855, in Boob: 2 of Maps, Page 43, Alameda County Records; thence
<br />along said northwestern line of Williams Street, South 63° 27' 15"
<br />West, 75.87 feet, to the southwestern line of The Western Pacific
<br />Railroad Company Rig4jht-Of-Way 80 feet wide; thence along said south-
<br />western line, North 48° 06, " West (North 480 06, 43" West being
<br />assumed as the bearing of said Right -Of -May for the purpose of these
<br />descriptions), 1.02 feet; thence on a non -tangent curve, concave to
<br />the northwest, having a radius of 80.00 feet, and a central angle
<br />of 640 33' 47", a radial line to said point bears North 36° 25' 15"
<br />West; thence along said curve northeasterly, northerly, and north-
<br />westerly 90.15 feet, to a point on the northeastern line of the
<br />said Western Pacific Railroad Company Right -Of -Way, a radial line
<br />to said point bears South 79" 00' 58" West • thence along said north-
<br />eastern line, South 48' 06' 43" East, 3 5.0A feet, to the said south-
<br />western line of San Leandro Boulevardthence along said southwestern
<br />•
<br />line of San Leandro Boulevard, South �6° 33' 32" East, 25.67 feet,
<br />to the point of beginning.
<br />Excepting therefrom that certain parcel of land described in
<br />the easement from The Western Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation,
<br />to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, recorded November
<br />241 1959, in Book 9221, Page 307, Official Records of Alameda County.
<br />Containing an area of 970.93 square feet, more or less.
<br />Parcel 2
<br />A portion of Lot 14 as shown on the map of the Hemme Tract,
<br />filed October 1, 1889, in Map Book 9, Page 33, Alameda County Records,
<br />described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the intersection of the northwestern line of
<br />Castro Street with the northeastern line of The Western Pacific Rail-
<br />road Company Right -Of -Way; thence along said northwestern line of
<br />Castro Street, South 63' 27' 15" West, 68.95 feet, to the southwestern
<br />line of said Lot 14; thence along said southwestern line of Lot 14,
<br />North 26' 32' 45" West, 5.85 feet; thence on a non -tangent curve,
<br />concave to the West, having a radius of 48.00 feet, and a central
<br />angle of 100' 46' 17", a radial line to said point bears North 37°
<br />20' 26" West; thence along said curve, northeasterly, northerly and
<br />northwesterly, 84.42 feet; thence North 410 53' 17" East, 5.00 feet,
<br />to said northeastern line of The Western Pacific Railroad Company
<br />Right -Of -Way; thence along said northeastern line, South 480 06' 43"
<br />East, 77.94 feet, to the point of beginning.
<br />Excepting therefrom that certain parcel of land described in
<br />the easement from The !Jestern Pacific Railroad Company, a corporation,
<br />to the City of San Leandro, recorded November 24, 1961, in Reel 459,
<br />Image 156, Official Records of Alameda County.
<br />Containing an area of 1517.19 square feet, more or less.
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />Sheet 1 of 4
<br />69--7757�&
<br />