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= � R E A705 * 6 78 <br />EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF W__ q � <br />THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into thi326th Day of f <br />'AY 19591 January AD. Nineteen Hundred Sixty -Six (1966) by and between 0 <br />ERNEST BULHOES and ELISA BULHOES, his wife, <br />the parties of the first part and the City of San Leandro, <br />a municipal corporation, the party of the second part. <br />WITNESSETH: That the said parties of the first part, do <br />hereby grant unto the said party of the second hart an easement <br />and right of way to establish, construct and maintain for all <br />time a public sewer in, through, on and along that certain piece <br />and strip of land situate, lying and beingin the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and particularly <br />bounded and described as follows: <br />A portion of that 17 acre parcel of land described in deed from <br />Lizzie McCarthy, a widow, to A. S. Weaver and J. E. Faustina, <br />dated August 23, 1919, and recorded August 23, 1919, under <br />Recorder's Series No. S/31589, in Book 2788 of Deeds, page 284, <br />Alameda County Records, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of the western line of <br />Woodland Avenue, 56.00 feet wide, with the northern line of Oakes <br />Boulevard, 50.00 feet wide, as said avenue and boulevard existed <br />November 8, 1931; running thence along the said line of Woodland <br />Avenue, north 80 34' west 92.94 feet to the actual point of <br />commencement; thence continuing along said line of Woodland Avenue <br />north 80 34, west 5.06 feet; thence south 720 26' west 123.94 feet; <br />thence south 80 34' east 5.06 feet; thence north 720 26' east <br />123.94 feet to the actual point of commencement. <br />z <br />a THIS GRANT is made by the parties of the first part under the full <br />c:W understanding and condition that the party of the second part has <br />o > the right to remove all trees that interfere with the purpose for <br />z which said easement is granted. <br />O o <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said party of the second part forever <br />s-� for the sole object and purpose of constructing and maintaining <br />00a thereon a public sewer and for no other nurpose; and should said <br />real property herein described be at any time used for any other <br />I: v purpose by said party of the second hart than for the easement and <br />right of way for the purpose of construction and maintaining a <br />public sewer then this easement and right of way, granted and <br />conveyed shall immediately lapse and become null and void and <br />said easement and right of way shall immediately revert to said <br />parties of the first part, their successors and assigns. <br />A Y 19591 RECORDED at REQUEST OF <br />fY � RNEST BULHOES CITY OF SAU LFT1110 <br />i1b3o P <br />-- ��2e-E At- : , Min. Past..y. , _ NL <br />E ISA BULHOES <br />FEB 11 1966 <br />""IED 'M POOR R OFFICIA1 RECORDS. OF <br />• JACK G, R�UF, c,unTY RLCORDE� �,;7jEDA --C' rY,CALIFORR IA1 <br />JACK V.BLUE COUNTY RECORDER 1,� <br />