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n •" 4 ,C <br />rra.t c <br />1 •* �r•r . <br />GRANT OF RIGHT OF WAY <br />FOR STREET PURPOSES <br />THIS GRANT made this J4 day of <br />1957, by BAY -FAIR, a California corporation, hereinafter <br />called "Grantor," to CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, Alameda County, <br />a municipal corporation of the State of California, herein- <br />after called "Grantee," ' <br />W I T N E S S E T H: <br />Grantor grants to Grantee and its successors and <br />assigns an easement for public use for street and related <br />public purposes and uses in, along, over, and under that <br />said real property located in the City of San Leandro, County <br />of Alameda, State of California, which said real property is <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of <br />the northeastern line of the Western Pacific <br />Railroad Company right of way, 80 feet wide, with <br />the eastern line of Iiesperian Blvd., as said point <br />of intersection is described in the quitclaim deed <br />from R. H. Macy & Co., Inc., and Capital Company <br />to Bay -Fair, a California Corporation, recorded <br />February 6, 1956, in Book 792b of Official Records <br />at page 525, Records of Alameda County, California; <br />thence south 490 27' 45" east 37.86 feet along the <br />said northeastern line of the Western Pacific Rail- <br />road Company right of way; thence north 00 32' 56" <br />east 23.47 feet; thence north 50 15' 01" east 140.00 <br />feet to a non -tangent curve concave to the south- <br />east and having a radius of 112.00 feet, a radial <br />line from said point bearing south 890 27' 04" <br />east; thence northeasterly along said curve 44.92 <br />feet to a compound curve concave to the southeast <br />and having a radius of 49.00 feet; thence north- <br />easterly along said curve 45.06 feet to a compound <br />curve concave to the southeast and having a radius <br />of 292.00 feet; thence,northeasterly along said <br />