Real property in the City o' Sin Leandro, Courity of Aln-.ntndn., .`itn.t. `
<br />of Crtliforrti.,v, Ioncribed , n c fol.lo�?s :
<br />Portionc o-I' hot:: a n.ntl '(, n s -,:Rid lotr ore choun on the man of the
<br />L. Knox Tract, filed April 13, 1893, in Mut Book 1.4, 10, r.limedn
<br />County Records, described no follows:
<br />14,41.rsel I.: (Aenuire i.n fee)
<br />the 1nt(-r^er,ttnn of the northwestern I.Inr: X Ih A,-f:t,1u ,
<br />�'orur:i•.Ly Knc,:• Avrrnuc, -lc• shown on ,,qV to-- t, with t,hc r;ouLhuerLe r•n 1 i11r.
<br />of tttc :,trip of Myna, 80 feet .-iirle, onnveyed to Wfc -'Lein Pacific Ir,iilwa.y
<br />Cori*many by de^0 daterl January ?6, 1907, recorded FcIrun,-fir 8, i-907, in
<br />B-)oL- .I.";W oi' D; r.,!:,, ,;age .t.549, Coi,-nty Rec:orcls; `.hr.:nce e1nn;: Ow
<br />i] northwu.,: t- n-n line of 143rr1 Avenue, south 42° 001 west
<br />more or less, to 1 line drawn parallel with the northerictern line of
<br />said lot 7, land 7.h0 feet, measured n.t right n.ngles, southwesterly there-
<br />from; thence along said -parallel line, north 480 001 west 5.00 feet to a
<br />line pa rnl.lel with the said northwestern line of 143rd Aven»e; thence
<br />along the last said parallel line, north 42" 00t east 161.52 feet, more
<br />or less, to the said southwestern line of the Western Pacific Railway
<br />Company property; thence along said southwestern line, southeasterly
<br />5.00 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />The abo-:e described parcel of land contains 808 square feet, more or
<br />less.
<br />Parcel 2; (Acquire by Quit - Claim) .
<br />Duginning at the intersection of the centerline of 143rd Avenue, as
<br />shown on said map, with the said southwestern line of the Western Pacific
<br />Railway Company property; thence along said centerline, south 480 00'
<br />west 162.32 feet, more or less, to a line drawn par-.11el with the north-
<br />eastern line of said lot 7, and 87.40 feet, measured at right ankles,
<br />southwesterly therefrom; thence along said parallel line, north 480 00,
<br />west 25.00 feet to the aforementioned northwestern line of 143rd Avenue;
<br />thence along said northwestern line of 143rd Avenue, north 42" 00' east
<br />161.66 feet, more or less, to the said southwestern line of the Western
<br />Pacific Railway Company property; thence along said southwestern line, -
<br />southeasterly 25.01 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />The above described parcel 2 contains 4050 square feet, more or less.
<br />Parcel 3; (Acquire for slope easement)
<br />Commencing at the intersection of the northwestern line of 143rd Avenue,
<br />formerly Knox Avenue, as shown on said map, with the said southwestern
<br />line of the Western Pacific Railway Comupenv property; thence along said
<br />southwestern line, northwesterly 5.00 feet to the actual point of beginning;
<br />thence .parallel with the said northwestern line of 143rd Avenue, south
<br />420 00' west 161.52 feet, more or less, to a line drarl parallel with the
<br />northeastern line of said lot 7, and 87.40 feet, Tmeasu_red at right angles,
<br />southwesterly therefrom; thence along the last mentioned -Darpll pl line,
<br />north 480 00' west 1.00 feet; thence north 390 07T45" east 161.49 feet, more
<br />or less, to the said southwestern line of the Western Pacific Railway
<br />Company property; t"P?n;e alcn3 Maid svLit iwcjtGl`rl l iiic:, southeasterly
<br />9.00 feet to the actual point of beginning.
<br />The above described parcel 3 contains 807 square feet, more or less.
<br />APPROA CHES.--- — -- — — -- — « _—
<br />