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GRANT DEED <br />A. J. GERRARD & COMPANY, an Illinois Corporation, hereby grants to the <br />CITY OF SAN' LEANDRO, a muaicipal corporation, all that real property situated <br />in the City of Sari Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows: <br />Commencing at a_ point on the centerline of 143rd Avenue, <br />formerly Rnox Avenue, ciistant souti, 42° 00' west 1836.40 <br />feet from the western line of the County Road between <br />San Leandro and Hayward, .a3 said western line existed in <br />1993, said point of con,tcencement beinn tl,e northeastern <br />corner of Lot 12. as said lot is shown on the ;:cap of the <br />L. Knox Tract. filed April 11, 1893, in Book 14 of Maps, <br />page 30, Alameda County Records: thence nlon^ the .forth -- <br />eastern lire of said Lot 12, south 48* 00' east 30.00 <br />feet to its interstiction with a line parallel with the <br />southeastern line of said 143rd Avenue. and 5.0,) feet. <br />measured At rifht angles. sout :easterly there4ro!n. raid <br />no:int_ of inter9ection beinn the ACTUAL POINT OF REGINNTNG <br />thence a1onS said parallel line south 42° 00' r,resr 90.39 <br />feet to the northeastern 7.ine of the parcel of land described <br />in tl`e +3eed fron A. T. Gerrard ane Cc -nano to the San <br />Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District, dated July 15, 1966, <br />recorded January 25, 1967, Seriesldo. AZ/7187, Official Records <br />or Alameda County; thence along; said northeastern 11_ne, <br />north 49° 31' west 5.00 feet to the said 4outheastern line <br />ef 143rd Avenue; thence along said southeastern :tine of 143rd <br />Avenue, north 42° 00' east 90.52 feet to said northeastern <br />line of Lot 12; thence along, said nortbeastErr. line, south <br />48° 00' east 5.00 feet to the actual point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 452 square feet, <br />pore or less. <br />Dated: July 9, 1969 <br />A. T. GER.RARD & COMPANY, an <br />Illinois corporation <br />By_ <br />