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10 -� OF SAN LEAN[ <br />NTEROFFICE MEMO <br />-v CIYY ATE t' 7��- <br />To City ager via City Attorney DATApril <br />NI 6 <br />FROM Publ c Works Director <br />CITY nF <br />SUBJECT Ala din Avenue from Alvarado to SPRR <br />We had told Trans -con that in connection with issuance of a <br />2 for their expansion that they must dedicate and improve Aladdin Avenue along their <br />3 frontage. Trans -con did not go along, all the way, so on 4/3/69, Mr. Mike Cabak, <br />4 Engineer and Howard Robson, Superintendent Properties and Facilities, met with <br />5 Dick Ward, Mort Calvert, Ernie Nelson, and myself. Following is a summary of <br />6 our discussion. <br />s <br />7 Trans -con seemed agreeable to all requirements except the proposed cul-de-sac <br />a on the easterly end would "ruin 5 loading bays". We said the street need not be <br />9 extended to the railroad if mutually agreeable with Trans -con and Sherwin-Williams, <br />10 because the City has no plans for extending Aladdin over the railroad, and the exten- <br />11 sion is only for the benefit of the adjacent properties These were the possible <br />12 alternates: <br />13 1. Trans -con and Sherwin-Williams dedicate right of way; include cul-de-sac as <br />14 we have planned; <br />15 2. Trans -con acquire the extra land from Sherwin-Williams and build the cul-de-sac <br />oN <br />16 all/the south side, or <br />18 <br />19 <br />1. Trans -con dedicate <br />the originally prnpnsPd right of way with an undprqtanding <br />20 <br />hey would attempt <br />to work out a different plan more suitable to them, and if <br />21 <br />they did within a <br />ear's time the City would give the unneeded port <br />22 <br />back to them. <br />23 <br />2. Trans -con would not <br />now be re uired to construct street pavement. <br />24 <br />3. Trans -con would be <br />required to make all other street improvements, but the City <br />25 <br />would accept a bond <br />or other auarantee in a Sum of $8.500 and allnw them nnP <br />.on <br />FORM 063 <br />