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RECORDING FEES (Sections 27361 et seq. Gov. Code) <br />The fee for recording and indexing most documents, such as a deed, trust deed, <br />reconveyance, declaration of homestead, etc., is: <br />$2.00 for the first page and $0.80 for each additional page or fraction. <br />A page is one side of a sheet 8?/2" x 14" or smaller. <br />PENALTY PRINT (Section 27361 Gov. Code) <br />An added charge of $1.00 is made for each page upon which penalty print appears. <br />Penalty print consists of printing on printed forms spaced either more than nine lines per <br />vertical inch or more than 22 characters and spaces per inch measured horizontally for not <br />less than three inches in one sentence. Not applicable to explanatory words for the <br />completion of blank spaces in a printed form. <br />COMBINED DOCUMENTS (Section 27361.1 Gov, Code) <br />When two or more documents are serially incorporated into one form or sheet they will be <br />considered as two or more separate documents„ A base recording fee will be charged of <br />$2.00 for the first page and $0.80 for each additional page for the entire document, plus <br />$2.00 for each additional document title to be indexed. For example: <br />A Deed of Trust and a Request for <br />Base fee <br />$2�00 <br />Notice of Default, combined on one <br />Additional title <br />2.00 <br />side of one sheet. <br />Recording fee <br />$4.00 <br />A Substitution of Trustee and a <br />Base fee (2 pages) <br />$2.80 <br />Reconveyance, combined on two <br />Additional title <br />2.00 <br />sides of a sheet. <br />Recording fee <br />$4.80 <br />A Lien Contract, a Deed of Trust, a <br />Base fee (2 pages) <br />$2.80 <br />Request for Notice of Default, and <br />Addl. title (Tr Dd) <br />2.00 <br />an Assignment of the Trust Deed, <br />Addl. title (Req Nt) <br />2.00 <br />combined on two sides of a sheet. <br />Addl. title (Asgt TD) <br />2.00 <br />Recording fee <br />$8.80 <br />Name of Parties in Releasing Documents (Government Code Sec. 27288.1) <br />A release of any lien upon real or personal property must set forth the name of the obligor or <br />obligors whose obligation is the basis of the lien being released or the document cannot be <br />accepted for recording, A release showing "John Brown, et al" would not be acceptable. The <br />"et al" cannot be indexed. The purpose of this requirement is to always have a name to index <br />in a releasing document to continue the chain of title in the grantor -grantee indexes maintained <br />for the public's use in the County Recorders office. <br />Additional Indexing Fee (Government Code Sec. 27361.2) <br />An additional fee of $1.00 must be charged for each reference to a previously recorded document <br />other than the first such reference made in the document submitted for recording that will require <br />additional indexing to give notice required by law. <br />RETURN ADDRESS AND NAME must be shown on each document, together with the NAME of the <br />person requesting recordation. (Section 27321 Gov. Code) When possible use the upper left hand <br />portion of the first page. <br />Checks or money orders should be made payable to JACK G. BLUE, County Recorder. <br />