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�[:2144 iM:850 <br />:*2118 !M:4:37) <br />J <br />described in Director's Deed No. 21625-DD, recorded <br />July 28, 1967 in Reel 2009, Image 37, Official Records <br />of Alameda County; thence along said southeasterly line, <br />N. 45032,14" E., 23.21 feet to the northeasterly line <br />of said parcel (Re. 550 OR Im. 374); thence along last <br />said line and along the northeasterly line of said <br />PARCEL 2 (Re. 595 OR Im. 633) S. 27009,47" E., 58.6o <br />feet to the southerly line of said PARCEL 2 <br />(Re. 595 OR Im. 633); thence along last said southerly <br />line, S. 69022,48" W., 12.63 feet to the easterly line <br />of said PARCEL 1 (Re. 595 OR Im. 633); thence along last <br />said line, S. 13046,48" E., 357.68 feet to the point of <br />commencement. <br />CONTAINING 7,728 square feet, more or less. <br />The bearings and distances used in the above description <br />are on the California Coordinate System, Zone 3. Multiply the <br />above distances by 1.0000705 to obtain ground level distances. <br />(BA 11069 <br />BA28502 <br />