After recording return to:
<br />R. H. West, City Clerk
<br />San Leandro City Hall
<br />835 E. 14th St.
<br />San Leandro, Calif. 94577
<br />n aim Pt ry Trans er ax $ No t--- J-ie
<br />City c i Leandro
<br />Uity Clerk
<br />RA 733'73
<br />D E E D
<br />RIVI? 4870
<br />Edwin Wortham IV and Georgine Wortham, his wife, Jack Filinick and Wilma
<br />Filinick, his wife, as joint tenants, and Hanson & Hanson Builders, Inc., a
<br />corporation, hereby grant to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation,
<br />3 all that real property situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda,
<br />L I \State of California, described as follows:
<br />C7 Beginning at a point on the northern line of Callan Avenue, distant
<br />v along said line, north 70' 35' east 75 feet from the western boundary
<br />line of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Moses O'Connor to
<br />Socrates Huff, by deed dated June 12, 1865, and recorded June 14, 1865,
<br />in Book "R" of Deeds, page 455, Alameda County Records; thence north
<br />19° 25' west 4.00 feet to a non -tangent curve, concave to the north-
<br />west, having a radius of 500 feet, and a central angle of 6° 16' 46"
<br />(said curve being tangent with a line parallel with said northern line
<br />of Callan Avenue, and 4.00 feet, measured at right angles, north-
<br />westerly therefrom); thence along said curve, northeasterly 54.80 feet
<br />to a reverse curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of
<br />500 feet, and a central angle of 10' 56' 23"; thence along said reverse
<br />curve, northeasterly 95.47 feet to a non -tangent line, said non -tangent
<br />line being the eastern line of the parcel of land described in the
<br />deed by Title Insurance and Trust Company, dated March 9, 1965, and
<br />recorded March 11, 1965, on Reel 1454, Image 749, Official Records of
<br />Alameda County; thence along said eastern line, south 19' 25' east
<br />8.35 feet to the said northern line of Callan Avenue; thence along said
<br />northern line of Callan Avenue, south 70' 35' west 150 feet to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />The above described parcel of land contains 1150 square feet, more
<br />or less.
<br />Dated: May 6, 1968
<br />t Edwin Wortham IV
<br />• CITy OF SAI I LT"P no
<br />AtMin. Past_IL2A
<br />J U L 5 ` 1968
<br />JACK G. BLYE
<br />71ev_Hanson & Hanson Builders, Inc.
<br />Ll
<br />13
<br />-1-
<br />