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Beginning at a point on the southeastern line of California Street, <br />formerly Haas Avenue, distant thereon 268 feet southwesterly from <br />the point of intersection thereof with the southwestern line of <br />East 14th Street, said point of beginning being also the most <br />northerly corner of Lot 33, as said street, avenue and lot are shown <br />upon the certain map entitled, "Map of Del Orta, San Leandro, <br />California," filed February 7, 1925 in Book 4 of Maps, Page 1, in <br />the office of the County Recorder of said Alameda County; running <br />thence southeasterly, parallel with said line of East 14th Street <br />and along the northeastern line of lot 33, 100 feet; thence north- <br />easterly, parallel with said line of California Street, 40 feet; <br />thence northwesterly, parallel with said line of East 14th Street, <br />100 feet to said southeastern line of California Street; thence <br />southwesterly, along said line of California Street, 40 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />Optionor shall have the right to call for the depositor to exercise <br />the option upon 60 days notice. <br />Optionor shall have the priviledge of removing the bath and kitchen <br />cabinets. <br />