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'r <br />After recording return to: <br />R. H. West, Cit: rk <br />City of San Leap <br />835 E. 14th St. <br />San Leandro, Ca 94577 <br />DEED <br />NO <br />A. H. WEST, CITY CLERK <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />i <br />43ct <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO., a California corporation whose principal office <br />address is 100 N. E. Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois, hereby grants to <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA, a municipal corporation, the real <br />property situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State <br />of California, being a portion of Lot A, Block 53, as said lot and block <br />are shown on the map of the "Town of San Leandro, County Seat of Alameda <br />County", filed February 27, 1855, in Book 2 of Maps at page 43, Alameda <br />County Records, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the most northerly corner of Lot A in Block <br />53, as said lot and block are shown on said map; thence <br />along the northeast line of said Lot A South 28° East 20.59 <br />feet to a point in a non -tangent curve concave to the south, <br />having a radius of 56.00 feet, a radial line of said curve <br />through said point bearing North 33°-02'-57" East; thence <br />along said curve through a central angle of 29°-27'-04" a <br />distance of 28.79 feet to its intersection with the north- <br />west line of said Lot A; thence along said northwest line <br />North 62' East 19.66 feet to the point of beginning; con- <br />taining 167 square feet more or less; except that CATERPILLAR <br />TRACTOR CO. reserves the right for itself, its grantees, <br />successors and assigns to occupy as much of the space above <br />said real property as is now occupied by the existing <br />building for as long as said building exists. <br />Subject to encumbrances, covenants, conditions, restrictions <br />reservations, rights, rights of way and easements of record, <br />if any. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. has caused its corporate <br />seal to be hereto affixed and has caused its name to be signed to these <br />presents by its Executive Vice President and attested by its Assistant <br />Secretary this ,_= today of /;'_ 1972. <br />CATERPILLAR TRACTOR CO. <br />ByJ �1�� ,✓ �, <br />Executive Vice President <br />ATTE5.!t-:' <br />Assistant Secretary-) <br />STATE OF ILLINOIS ) <br />) ss. <br />COUNTY OF PEORIA ) <br />I, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the County of Peoria <br />and State of Illinois, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that co :-, � -) / f <br />personally known to me to be an Executive Vice President of CATERPILLAR <br />TRACTOR CO., a California corporation, and M. M. Winzeler, personally <br />