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Beginning at a point on the northeastern line of Hays <br />north 28° west 75 feet from the intersection of said <br />line of West Joaquin Avenue, formerly Hepburn Street, <br />on the above -mentioned map; running thence along the <br />Hays Street north 28' west 50 feet; thence at right a <br />with the northwestern line of West Joaquin Avenue and <br />angles 125 feet north 620 east 125 feet; thence at ri <br />50 feet; thence at right angles southwesterly 125 fee <br />(Assessor's Parcel No. 75-3-9-2) <br />Street, distant thereon <br />line with the northwestern <br />as said streets are shown <br />northeastern line of <br />ngles along a line parallel <br />distant therefrom at right <br />ght angles southeasterly <br />t to the point of beginning. <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />