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FQSi+ 05 . <br />DESCRIPTION <br />All that lot of land situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, and described as follows, to -wit: <br />PARCEL 1: Beginning at a point on the Southern line of Juana,formerly <br />Nugent Avenue, distant thereon South 700 351 West 689,92 feet from the <br />intersection thereof with the Eastern line of that certain 26.42 acre <br />tract of land described in the deed from Moses O'Connor to Jeremiah <br />OtRegan dated February 21, 1866 and recorded March 1, 1866 in Book "T" <br />of Deeds, page 271, Alameda County Records; running thence along said <br />line of Juana Avenue, South 700 35t West 115 feet; thence South 190 <br />251 East 120 feet; thence South 701 351 West 100 feet; thence South <br />190 251 East 196.47 feet, more or less, to the Northern boundary line <br />of that certain 3 acre tract of land described in the deed from John <br />Whelan to Laurence Whelan dated December 1, 1911 and recorded July 2, <br />1917 in Book 2593 of Deeds, page 14; thence along said last named <br />boundary line, North 700 351 East 215 feet; thence Northl90 251 West <br />316.47 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2;, Beginning at a point on the Southern line of Juana Avenue, <br />formerly Nugent Avenue, distant thereon South 700 351 West 552.42 feet <br />from the intersection thereof with the Eastern line of that certain <br />26.42 acre tract of land described in the deed from Moses O'Connor to <br />Jeremiah OtRegan, dated February 21, 1866 and recorded March 1, 1866 <br />in Book "T" of Deeds, page 271; running thence along said line of <br />Juana Avenue, South 700 351 West 137.50 feet; thence South 1910 25t <br />East 316.47 feet, more or less, to the Northern boundary line of that <br />certain 3 acre tract of land described in the deed from John Vihelan <br />to Laurence Whelan dated December 1, 1911 and recorded July 2, 1917 <br />in Book 2593 of Deeds, page 14; thence along said last named boundary <br />line North 700 351 East 137.50 feet; thence North 190 251 i;est 316.47 <br />feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. <br />THE POLICY TO BE ISSUED WILL NOT INSURE AGAINST: <br />1. Instruments, trusts, liens, easements, roads or highways, encumbrances, or rights or claims of <br />parties in possession of any portion of the insured property, not shown by any public record of the <br />County or City and County, or by the records of the Federal offices of the Divison of the Federal Dis. <br />trict in which said property is situate. <br />2. The invalidity of tax sales, street assessments, leases, attachments, easements, declarations of <br />homestead, building restrictions or money judgments mentioned as encumbrances in this policy. <br />3. Secret trusts, equities or defects in, or encumbrances upon, the title to the insured property <br />known to the Insured, not disclosed to the Company in writing, or the invalidity in whole or in part of <br />any mortgage or deed of trust by reason of the violation of the usury law. <br />4. Overlapping improvements, or any state of facts which a correct survey would show. City Zone <br />or Set -Back Ordinance Restrictions. <br />S. Taxes of every character not yet payable. <br />6. Municipal taxes, or municipal and/or District proceedings for any public improvement, or any <br />tax or assessment therefor unless otherwise herein specified, and then only when the amount of the as- <br />sessment therefor has become fixed and shown as a lien at the date hereof, in the public office designated <br />by law. <br />7. Mining claims and/or water rights and all matters relating thereto. <br />Dated at the City of Oakland, this 24th day of September, 1941 at 9:00 A.M. <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY -EAST BAY TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, <br />By <br />•r .. JOV <br />• . <br />