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'�R'���(;) ���� :n•�C• i),���'� :mac_, � � �<J<� <br />LEVII THURSTON PUNY (also known as (�221 <br />L. T. FU.,_i :;SLY) and SALLIL LEW" rULI-HREY, his_ wife, <br />the first parties, hereby <br />Orant to CTT-,; IF `I L7, t`.N 0) a iv:unicipal Corporation, <br />the second party , all that real property situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the ;estern line of the 2 1/2 <br />acre tract of land conveyed by Jeremiah O'Regan to dni. <br />LcLaren, by deed dated April 15, 1870 and recorded April <br />161 1870 in Book 54 of Deeds, page 87, Alameda County <br />Recorus, distant thereon North 190 25'',"lest 286.50 feet <br />from the Northern line of i-aud Avenue; continuing thence <br />North 190 25' West along the said line of land conveyed <br />to McLaren 29.97 feet; thence South 700 35' .7-st 42 feet; <br />thence South 190 25' East 29.97 feet; thence North '700 <br />351 East 42 feet to the point of beginning,. <br />In Witmo Mbereof, the said first parties have executed this conveyance this <br />18th day of .:arch 719 43. <br />4' WA <br />— -- <br />GRANT <br />GRANT DEED <br />