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Consideration Les, <br />3n _'p10 , . 00 <br />sL <br />Quitclaim merb <br />Mbi5 InbMturP Made this 21 s t clay of September <br />in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-three <br />Between <br />MATILDA J. EATON and EMVETT C. EATON, also known as E. C. <br />Eaton, her husband, <br />And EMMA H. THOMPSON <br />the part ie s of the first part, <br />the part y of the second part, <br />Witnesseth: That the said part i e r of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum <br />of <br />Ten and no/100 Dollars ($ 10.00 ) <br />in Lawful Money of the United States of America, to them in hand paid by the part y <br />of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents <br />remise, release and forever Quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and to <br />her heirs and assigns forever, <br />All th a t certain lot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />and bounded and particularly described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning a point on the Southern line of Juana <br />Avenue, distant thereon Easterly 823.47 feet from the inter- <br />section thereof with the Easterly line of Santa Clara Avenue, <br />as Santa Clara Avenue existed before the wideninE thereof; <br />running thence Easterly alone said line of Juana Avenue 100 <br />feet; thence Southerly parallel with said line of Santa Clara <br />Avenue 316.50 feet; thence Westerly parallel with said line <br />of Juana Avenue 100 feet; thence Northerly parallel with said line <br />of• giant& Clara Avenue 316.50 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Together with all and singular the tenements,, hereditaments and appurtenances <br />thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, <br />remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. And also all the estate, <br />right, title, interest, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in <br />equity, of the said parts e s of the first part, of, in, or to the above described premises, <br />and every part or parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. <br />Ik <br />To have and To Hold all and singular the above mentioned and described premises <br />together with the appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, her heirs <br />and assigns forever. <br />In Witness Whereof, the said parties of the first part ha ve hereunto set their <br />hands and seals the day and ,year first abovxw_e <br />&n�_ <br />ftneb. Oralyd anb BP1ivrrrb in flle 3prese nre of .................. ..--- ............... (SEAT.) <br />----- ..... ..... ................ (SEAL) <br />. . .. -• ...... (SEAL) <br />QUITCLAIM DEED ---FORM 1 1 1 3 Bay Cities Printing Corp., Oakland. <br />�- n <br />