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25M 5-56 For..M 19•B <br />BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS <br />CITY OF OAKLAND <br />? 37 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 129 7- <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXE- <br />CUTION OF AGREI:MNT AND CON- <br />VEYANCE WITh TI . CITY Oi. SAW <br />LEANDRO. <br />RESOLVED thi t the President of this <br />Lo rd Le and he hereby is authorized to execute <br />and the SecretAry to attest th:-t certain Agree- <br />ment ;irui Conveyance dated the 31st day of October, <br />1960, with the CITY 01 SAID LE.ANDRO, a municipal <br />eorporatlon, providing for the conveyance to <br />the City of pan Leandro of a revocable ease.%ent <br />for access to the small craft harbor in the <br />City of San Leandro southeast of `iRetropolitan <br />Oakland Int(­rnftionkal Airport, and. that such <br />A.greer�ent Rnd onveyance shall be upon a form <br />approved by the Port Attorney. <br />AR133554 <br />RECO�--�--o-D-- REQUEST <br />QU�T OF <br />------- - SANL�A�RO ------ <br />At.-,jf7-. Min. Pace _C_T_h-__-M: <br />NOV 141960 <br />OFFICIAL RECORDS OF <br />AL/AMEDACOUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />hh COUNTY RF-CORDHR <br />Y P. <br />At a regular meeting held --,Iovember 7, .1960 <br />Passed by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Commissioners Estep, Hansen, Tripp, Tulloch and. President Levy -5 seol <br />Noes: 'done Affixed <br />Absent: clone <br />i certiry that the foreg_,ing is a full, true and cerre�t copy of n'esolution <br />12974 pasied 3y the Bard u! Par: rorn.i,;si_ncs o) the City <br />,w j Oakland,. California, on _.-_ NQyQmber_. 7 -� <br />�.- -- Secretary -- -- <br />