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M <br />RE: IM: 37 <br />t':ie City of Oakland in the event this property is acquired by <br />the Port, now, therefore, <br />IT IS HUTUALLY AGREED as follows: <br />1. The Port hereby grants and convoys to Sari Leandro <br />an easement, ,evocable on the terms and conditions hereafter set <br />fort'n, over the following described property, solely for the pur- <br />poses of constructing, installing and maintaining therein and <br />thereon a water channel for the passage of small boats between <br />San Francisco Bay and said small craft harbor. The property of <br />t':ie Port subject to said easement is a four hundred (400) foot <br />wide strip of land located in the City of Oa' --land, County of <br />Alameda., State of California, the center line of which is more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />C011,1ENCING at station 15+06.21 having <br />14- <br />grid coordinates X 439, 305.07 and Y 1, 510, 585.36, <br />Zone III of the State of California Lambert Grid <br />Coordinate System; thence south 46'36121_L1t west <br />to the City of San Leandro boundary line estab- <br />lished by Ordinance No. 976 N.S. as shown on the <br />map filed July 29, 1955 in Book 32 of '-:laps, <br />page 94A, Alameda County records, said point of <br />intersection being the Actual Point of Beginning; <br />thence continuing south 46°33124" west to station <br />126f00. <br />2. This easement is granted u- on the following express <br />conditions: <br />(a) San Leandro shall not permit any.vessel to use <br />said c hannel w hich has a mast i-jeight which would extend above <br />the water into the air space above required to be kept clear for <br />the safe flight of aircraft landing or taking off at the Airport <br />and specifically, without limiting the generality of the fore- <br />going, into that portion of said air space established as a <br />11clear zone" or required to be kept clear by rule or regulation, <br />existing or established in the future, of the Federal Aviation <br />Agency or its successor, in order for the Airport to be available <br />AR133554 <br />