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for use by all classes of aircraft desirinn- to use said Airport. <br />(b) No structure shall be placed, erected or per- <br />mitted upon the land or water subject to this easement without the <br />express prior written permission of the Port. As used in this <br />agreement, "structure" means any object constructed or installed <br />by man, including, but without limitation, buildings, towers, <br />poles, smokestacks and overhead lines and all objects of natural <br />growth. It is expressly understood and agreed, however, that <br />channels, dikes, breakwaters and aids to navigation by water may <br />be constructed or placed upon said land or water if San Leandro <br />shall first secure the written permission of the Port, which per- <br />mission the Port shall not withhold unless it finds and determines <br />that such use obstructs or may obstruct in the future the air <br />space required for the flight of aircraft landing or taking off <br />from the Airport or may interfere with e nergency landings of air- <br />craft; provided, that no aids to marine navigAtion or channel <br />markers shall in any way interfere with and the same must be com- <br />patible with all Airport approach zone lighting and air navi- <br />,�ational aids. <br />(c) All material dredged from any channel con - <br />strutted uDon the land or water subject to this easement shall be <br />disposed of in such a way as not to become a hazard to aircraft <br />forced to -_nake eraergency landings and San Leandro shall secure the <br />prior written approval of the Port as to the nanner of disposal and <br />the location of the disposal area. <br />( d) The land or water subject to this easement shall <br />be used solely for the purposes expressed in Paragraph 1 hereof. <br />In the event of breach by San Leandro of any of the conditions <br />expressed in this Paragraph 2 or in Paragraph 4 hereof and the Port <br />by resolution shall so find and determine, this agreement shall <br />beccx.�e null and void and the easement created 'hereby shall ter,riina.te. <br />AR133554 <br />-3- <br />