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S41 <br />RE:92559 Wr1:734 <br />ATCfPeaal Estate wand Dapa;rtaiant <br />(77-44o -18-1) <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />DESCRIPTION <br />PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION - ASSESSMENT PARCEL. NO. 72 <br />PLAZA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANCRO <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of Stn Leandro, Cpvhty of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows; <br />Comm ncing at the point of intersection of the Northeastern line of <br />East 14th Street, formerly Hayward Avenua, with the Southeastern line of <br />Lot 10, Block 3 as said Lot and Block are shown on the "Map of East San <br />Leandro, Alzr eda Co.", filed February 20, 1871, in Book 2 of Maps at page 249 <br />Alameda County -Records, said poi4 being distant thereon Forth 470 19' West, <br />71.121 feet from the intersection thereof with the Northern line of Estudillo <br />Avenue, as said Avenue now exists, after the widoning thereof; thence Norbh <br />420 41' East 100.000 feet to the most Eastorn corner of said Lot 10 Block 3 <br />and the ACTUAL POINT OF BEClta 11tX; running thenco along fho 1.-ortheastern '1 the <br />of Lot 10 and Lot Q of Block 3 of the afore-rntioned trap; parallel to East l4th <br />Street, formerly Hayward Avenue, N th 471 19' 00" Kest, 42.332 feet to the <br />Southern line of Lot 34 of Block 3 of the aforementioned map; thence along <br />said Southern line of Lot 34 and continuing along the Southern line of Lot 33 <br />of said Block and Flap, North 701 36' 43" East, 19.816 feet; thence South <br />19° 24' 17" East, 37.407 feet to the ,pQjnt of boDinning. <br />Said parcel being -part of an entire parcel. <br />7C 1 1 742 <br />