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z d. r- - -i re <br />Triat Officer, Real Estate <br />Diviclon, Cann of California <br />EXHIBIT "A" (Best Ectota) <br />DESCRIPTION <br />-€8 PRQPLRTY ACQUISITION - ASSE55MENT PARCLL NO.. 63 <br />PLAZA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the Southern line of Estudillo Avenue, distant <br />thereon North 700 35' 43" East 133.976 fees from the intersection thereof <br />with the Northeastern line of East 14th Street, as said Avenue and Street <br />now exist; running thence South 19° 24' 17" East 83.790 feet; thence North <br />70° 35' 43" East 7.210 feet; thence South 19' 24' 17" East 45.160 feet; <br />thence North 700 35' 43" East 6.320 feet; thence South 47° 44' 56" East <br />4.090 feet; thence North 70" 35' 43" East 38.130 feet; thence North 19° <br />24' 17" West 132.550 feet to the aforesaid Southern line of Estudillo Avenue; <br />thence along said Southern line of Estudillo Avenue, South 70° 35' 43" West, <br />53.600 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Said parcel being part of an entire parcel. <br />