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RE:2559 IM:'i25 <br />S4'7 <br />Marion s Lena Goldman <br />(77-543-20) <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />DESCRIPTION <br />PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION - ASSESSMENT PARCEL NO. 62 <br />PLAZA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />COMMENCING at a point on the Northeastern line of East 14th Street <br />distant thereon South 470 19' East 150.000 feet from the intersection thereof <br />with the Southern line of Estudillo Avenue, as said Street and Avenue now <br />exist; running thence North 70' 35' 43" East 90.592 feet to the ACTUAL POINT <br />OF BEGINNING: thence South 47° 44' 56" East 20.276 feet; thence North 420 41' <br />East 9.413 feet to the Southwestern boundary line of that certain piece or <br />parcel of land conveyed by John B. Ward, et al, to James Corwin by deed dated <br />December 31, 1867 and recorded in Book 29 of Deeds at page 672, Alameda County <br />Records, thence along said Southwestern boundary line North 47° 44' 56" West, <br />15.269 feet to the most Eastern corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed <br />by John B. Ward, et al, to Charles A. Emerson by deed dated May 19, 1868 and <br />recorded in Book 31 of Deeds at page 561, Alameda County Records; thence <br />South 700 35' 43" West 10.695 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Said parcel being part of an entire parcel. <br />70'1!739 <br />