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,�E�2559 IM. 773 <br />S46 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Parcel No. 77-543-15 <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of AlamedaState <br />of California, described as follows: , <br />PAIt(:EL A: COMMENCING at a point on the Northern l of Joaquin <br />Avenkie, distant thereon North 70°35'43" East 167.396 feet from the <br />inter.secti.on thereof with the Northeastern line of East 14th Street <br />as said street and avenue now exist; thence North 19024117" West 107.375 <br />feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING: thence North 19°24'17" <br />West, 36.000 feet to a point on the Northern line of lot 23 as <br />said lot is shown on that certain map entitled "Wick's Addition <br />to the Town of San Leandro', filed February 26, 1868 in Book 2 of <br />Maps at page 21, Alameda County Records; thence along said Northern <br />line of lot 23, North 70°35'43' East, 40.000 feet to the Northeastern <br />corner of said lot 23; thence along the Eastern line of lot 23, <br />South 19°24'17" East, 54.375 feet; thence South 70°35'43" West, <br />20.000 feet; thence North 19°24'17" West, 18.375 feet; thence 5oLith <br />70°35'43" West 20.000 feet to the point of beginning. <br />BEING A PORTION of lot 23 of that certain map entitled "Wick's <br />Addition to the Town of San Leandro", filed February 26, 1868 in <br />Book 2 of Maps at page 21, Alameda County Records. <br />PARCEL B: BEGINNING at a point on the Northern line of Joaquin <br />Avenue, distant thereon, North 70°35'43" East, 167.396 feet from <br />the intersection thereof with the Northeastern line of East- 14th <br />Street, as said Avenue and street now exist; thence North 19°24'17" <br />4lest, 107.375 feet; thence North 70°35'43" East 20.000 feet; thence <br />South 19°24'17" East, 107.375 feet to the Northern line of Joaquin <br />Avenue; thence along said line of Joaquin Avenue, South 70°35'43" <br />West, 20.000 feet to the point of beginning. <br />BEING A PORTION of lot 23 of that certain map entitled "Wick's <br />Addition to the Town of San Leandro", filed February 26, 1868 in <br />Book 2 of Maps at page 21, Alameda County Records. <br />PARCEL C: BEGINNING at a point on the Northern line,of Joaquin <br />Avenue, distant thereon, North 70°35'43" East 187.396 feet from <br />the intersection thereof with the Northeastern line of East 14th <br />Street, as said avenue and street now exist; thence North 19°24'17" <br />West 89.00 feet; thence North 70°35'43" East 20.000 feet to the <br />Eastern line of Lot 23 as said lot is shown on that certain map <br />entitled "Wick's Addition to the Town of San Leandro" filed February <br />26, 1868 in Book 2 of Maps at page 21, Alameda County Records; <br />thence along said Eastern line of lot 23 South 19*24'17" East <br />89.000 feet to the Northern line of Joaquin Avenue; thence along <br />said line of Joaquin Avenue, 20.000 feet to the point of beginning. <br />BEING A PORTION of lot 23 of that certain map entitled "Wick's <br />Addition to the Town of San Leandro" filed February 26, 1868 in <br />Book 2 of Maps at page 21, Alameda County Records. <br />Said Parcels A, B and C being parts of an entire parcel. <br />1,, I r 755 <br />