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Those portions of Plat of the Rancho Sari Leandro finally confirmed <br />to Jose Joaquin Estudillo, records of said county, described as <br />follows: <br />7T <br />'1 <br />PARCEL 1: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the souther:, line of Estudillo or Ward <br />Avenue, distant thereon 88'; feet tasterly .from the northeastern <br />corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by John B. :lord <br />et al, to John Reason, ':� * Deed dated April 20, 1867 and recorded <br />in "ook 40 of Deeds, Page 10C, Alameda County Records; thence <br />easterly along sa.-td line of Estudillo or Wnrd Avenue as origin- <br />ally laid out, 70 feet; thence at right angles southei�y 286, feet <br />9 inches to the northern line of Joaquin Avenue; thence westerly <br />along said last named line 4 feet; thence north 47° 45f west 139 <br />feet 1 inch to the south,-,rn corner of that certain parcel of land <br />conveyed r,y Jamea Corwin to G. A. Davidson, by Deed dated September <br />12, 1868 and recorded in nook 34 of Deeds, at Page 66, Alameda <br />County Records; therice n'-)rtherly at right angles to EEtudillo or <br />Ward Avenue, 164 feet to the point of hegt-bang; <br />EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion thereof described in the Deed from <br />Charles Howard Miller and Maude 14illcr, hi-s :wife, to Jorgen Petersen <br />and Dora Petersen, his wife, dated December 9, 1929 and recorded <br />February ", 1930 in Book 2323 of Official Records, Page 90, des- <br />cribed as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the northern line of Joaquin Avenue, distant <br />thereon 97.75 feet easterly from the intersection thereof with the <br />eastern line of East 14th Street; thence at .right angles northerly <br />11.05 feet from the point of hen-innin�; thence northerly from said <br />point of beginning at right angles tc said line of Joaquin Avenue <br />62.;5 feet; thence westerly and parallel with said line of Joaquin <br />Avenue 3U..20 feet thence southerly in a direct line to the point <br />of beginning. <br />PARCEL 2: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the eastern boundary line of that certain <br />lot or parcel of land conveyed by T. H. Rantzan, et al to Daniel <br />est )y Deed dated November t, 1. 0� and recorded in Book 16P7 of <br />Deeds, at Page 7, Alameda County Records, distant thereon 129.55 <br />feet south 19° 251 east from the point of intersection of said <br />abound?ry line with the southern line of Estudillo or Ward Avenue, <br />as said line of said Avenue now exists; thence south 70° 351 west <br />parallel to the southern line of Fstudillo or Ward Avenue 17.08 <br />feet to the southeastern corner of that certain lot of land con- <br />veyed byy J. A. HolCren, et al, to Daniel Pest by Deed dated Dec- <br />Jrnber 24, 1909 and recorded in Book 1693 of Deeds, Page 125, Alameda <br />County Records;thence south 47° 4111 east along the northeastern <br />'_oundary line ofth .. lands formerYj (.elonGing to Mrs. Elizabeth B. <br />Hawes, 36 feet to its intersection with the first a�.)ove mentioned <br />boundary lines; and thence along Uaid boundary line north 190 251 <br />west 31.70 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL 3: <br />BEGINNUNG at a point on the northern line of Joaquin Avenue distant <br />thereon 97.75 feet easterly from the intersection thereof F•ith the <br />eastern line of EaCt 1111th Street; and running thence northerly and <br />at r. i,;ht angles to said line of Joaquin Avenue 11.05 feet; thence <br />:,out,e:,,ly in a direct J.inr 32.57 feet to a point on the northern <br />line of Joaquin Avenue 6 feet easterly from the point of beginning: <br />thence westerly alonS said line of Joaquin Avenue 6 feet to the <br />point of be ;inning. <br />