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_149258 <br />RE:30267 IM:985 <br />This is to certify that the interest in real property co*rveyed by <br />Deed or Grant, dated September 29, 1972 , frog <br />Jeras Corporation <br />to the City of San Leandro, a -municipal corporation, is hereby <br />accepted on behalf of the City Council of the City of San Leandro, <br />pursuant to authority conferred by ; esolution of the City Council <br />adopted on June 19, 1961, and the tee consents to recordat'on <br />thereof by its dul„r authorize. five . <br />Dated- November 1, 1972 <br />BN ill 10•70 2M <br />@Commoniaealtb of 3penn5plbania <br />QCountp of Xtbigb <br />H. West, City Clergy of the City of San Lea.lro <br />,�-149258 <br />159. <br />JAMES L. NAGLE <br />I. pf PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS of said County, <br />do hereby certify, that said Court is a Court of Record; <br />thatl%A-K& FI_RE T_-�j'_-(S_N 37--------- was at the time of taking the foregoing <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT - AfqPE9A*W a notary public - skis - #as*ee-e&4h&-2&Wm in and <br />for said County and State, duly commissioned and qualified, and as such authorized by the laws of the <br />Commonwealth to take affidavits, acknowledgments and proofs of deeds or conveyances of lands, tene- <br />ments and hereditaments situate, lying and being in said State of Pennsylvania, and Fthat I am well <br />acquainted with <br />the handwriting of the said _/V� q R_& j9 B __r Z _EAPJK,S [----------------- <br />and that h _if _._ signature subscribed to said ACKNOWLEDGMENT -� is genuine. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the said Court, at the City of <br />Allentown, in said County and State, this 1rQ T~-. day of SEPtZM B ig R - A. D. is 7 <br />JAMS S L . NAGLE ��)F, PROTHONOTARY <br />- ----- ----- ��'� ---------------- <br />