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If 5- _-:5 <br />SSG, <br />TRANSFER <br />ALgM Dq PA <br />COUNTY �ys7 7 D E E D <br />97319 <br />UNILN I ARY TRANSFER TAX 5...__. <br />PROPERTY L/OU'l-ON <br />-I-,*-r-AR Y 0,.Ar' <br />DAVID J. RUST and FDLOE B. RUST, his wife, hereby grant to the CITY OF <br />SAN LEANDR.O, a municipal corporation, all that land situated in the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of the land of David J. Rust and Edloe B. Rust, <br />his wife, as said land is described in the instrument <br />recorded April 14, 1959, in Book 8993, page 281, Official <br />Records of Alameda County, described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the northeastern line of <br />the 409.85 acre tract of land described Eighth in the <br />Final Decree of Distribution in the Matter of the Estate <br />of Georges LeRoy, deceased, dated May 6, 1946, in the <br />Superior Court of Contra Costa County, Probate Case <br />No. 11748, a certified copy of said Decree was recorded <br />November 22, 1948, in Book 5660, page 403, Official <br />Records of Alameda County, with the northern line of Lake <br />Chabot Road (County Road No. 7759), said point being on a <br />curve concave to the south, having a radius of 230 feet, <br />and a central angle of 5° 38' 15", a'.-adial line to said <br />point bears north 1° 36' 05" east; thence along the said <br />northern line of Lake Chabot Road the following courses: <br />westerly 22.63 feet, along said curve to a tangent line; <br />thence along said tangent line south 85' 57' 50" west <br />104.02 feet to a tangent curve concave to the northeast, <br />having a radius of 170 feet and a central angle of <br />38' 42' 25"; thence along said curve southwesterly, <br />westerly, and northwesterly 114.85 feet to a tangent line; <br />thence along said tangent line north 55' 19' 45" west <br />146.57 feet to a point of cusp with a nontangent curve <br />concave to the northeast, having a radius of 770 feet and <br />a central angle of 17' 16' 41", a radial line to said <br />point bears south 28' 07' 24" west; thence leaving said <br />northern line of Lake Chabot Road and proceeding along <br />said curve southeasterly 232.20 feet to a tangent line; <br />thence along.said tangent line south 79' 09' 17" east <br />139.48 feet to tie aforementioned northeastern line of <br />said 409.85 acre tract; thence along said northeastern <br />line south 15` 10' 05" east 2.01 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />The above -described parcel of land contains 7,988 square <br />feet, more or less; <br />together with an easement necessary for the construction and maintenance of <br />slopes of cuts and fills upon land adjacent to the property above described; <br />said easement being in, on and above that certain property in the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of the land of David J. Rust and Edloe B. Rust, his <br />wife, as said land is described in the instrument recorded <br />April 14, 1959, in Book 8993, page 281, Official Records of <br />Alameda County, described as follows: <br />