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ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />State of California <br />) ss. <br />County of Alameda ) <br />rr 11 ft0l�erson allOn V , 20before me, TicY <br />appeared I , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory <br />evidence, to be the person(, hose namejfs/awsubscribed to the foregoing statement and <br />acknowledged to me that he/shefthey executed the same in his/her-ftheir authorized capacity(i&SY, and <br />that by his/hedtheir signature(sf on the statement the personK, or the entity upon behalf of which the <br />personXacted, executed the instrument. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of <br />California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. <br />WITNESS my hand and official seal. <br />6 <br />(Signature <br />MARY HUSTACE FOSTER <br />COMM. #1704498 <br />fIL NOTARY PUBLIC - CAUFORNIA <br />O0 ALAMEDA COUNTY <br />My Comm Expires November 13.2010 <br />(Print) <br />My Commission Expires: � 1 L3. "le ib <br />My Commission Number: / l 6 �14 <br />County of Principal Place of Business:! <br />955789-1 <br />