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RE:2393IM-628 <br />Documentary Transf x $ No Tax Due <br />Richaryl'H. West,, CKy Cler�tyot W Leandro <br />8 16 8 <br />D E E D <br />6 ��3 <br />LUCKY STORES, INC., a California corporation, hereby grants to the CITY <br />OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, all that land situated in the City <br />of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of that certain tract of land described in the Corpo- <br />ration Grant Deed by California Pacific Title Insurance Company <br />to Lucky Stores, Inc., dated May 24, 1961, and recorded May 25, 1961 <br />in Reel 332, Image 518, Official Records of Alameda County. <br />And a portion of that parcel of land described in the deed to <br />Lucky Stores, Inc., dated February 8, 1948, and recorded <br />January 7, 1949, in Book 5697, page 163, Official Records of <br />Alameda County, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the most northern corner of the parcel of land <br />described in the Corporation Grant Deed by Lucky Stores, Inc., <br />to the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, dated <br />August 12, 1965, and recorded August 30, 1965, in Reel 1586, <br />Image 398, Official Records of Alameda County; thence along <br />the northwestern line of the last mentioned parcel, south <br />62° 30' west 10 feet to the northeastern line of Merced Street, <br />60 feet wide; thence continuing along said northwestern line, <br />south 62° 30' west 7 feet to a line parallel with the said <br />northeastern line of Merced Street; thence along said parallel <br />line, north 27' 30' west 978.02 feet to the northwestern line <br />of the Lucky Stores property; thence alone said northwestern <br />line, north 62° 30' east 1.82 feet to an angle point; thence <br />continuing along said northwestern line, north 54' 04' 40" east <br />15.35 feet to a line parallel with said northeastern line of <br />Merced Street, and 10 feet, measured at right angles, north- <br />easterly therefrom; thence along said parallel line, south <br />270 30' east 980.27 feet to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 16,643 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />Dated: April 22, 1969 <br />Rg"a REQUEST OF <br />S' 'NO <br />At rlU Min. Past <br />APR 30 1969 <br />0mclAt: RECORDS OF <br />PJ AMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />JACK G. BLUE <br />COUnry eECMDER <br />i <br />LUCKY STORES, INC., a California <br />corporation <br />By <br />B ( _ <br />Y - <br />