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Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, described as follows: <br />A portion of that certain tract of land described in the <br />deed recorded May 25, 1949, Records of Alameda County, in Volume 5806, page 57, Official <br />in <br />as follows: <br />Beginning at the northern extremity of the course along the <br />western line of Hesperian Boulev <br />10" ard, designated as "north 00 22' <br />east 1792.08 feet" in the Final Order of Condemnation, dated <br />March 25, 1955, in Action entitled: "The People of the State of <br />California, Acting By and Through the Department of Public Works, <br />vs. D. Brunetti, et al", Case No. 258105 <br />. was recorded March 2 certified copy thereof <br />9, 1 955, in Book 7613, page 429, Official <br />Records of Alameda County; thence south 6 19' 58" west 238.02 <br />feet to a tangent curve concave to the northwest, having a radius <br />Of 20�feet, and a central angle of 840 34' 23"; thence along said <br />curve, southwesterly, westerly, and northwesterly 29.52 feet to <br />a tangent line; thence along said tangent line, north 890 05' 39" <br />west 109.37 feet to a tangent curve concave to the southeast, <br />having a radius of 200 feet, and a central angle of 380 50' 47"; <br />thence along said curve, northwesterly, westerly, and south- <br />?j westelry .135.60 feet to a point of cuspwith a <br />thence aloe said t �t�gent line; <br />g angent line, north 52o 03' 34" east 94.04 feet; <br />thence south 890 05' 39" east 165.36 feet; thence north 60 23' 42" <br />,,...thence <br />feet to the northern line_.of that certain parcel of <br />land 'Containing 0.50 of an acre described in the deed from California <br />Packing Corporation to D. Brunetti, a single man, dated February 2$ <br />1944 and recorded April 1ok � <br />4 Records of Alameda Count 9thence�alongosaid5northe06, rn line,0South� <br />�.. 880 <br />8 � �� County; g <br />5 39 east 15.54 feet to the point of beginning. <br />The above described parcel o� land contains 7040 square <br />feet, more or less. , <br />Access shall .be restricted over the following boundary of <br />k the above described parcel: <br />Beginning at the said point of cusp; thence north 5203' 34'" <br />° <br />east 54,04 feet; thence south .89° 05' 39" east 16 <br />5-36 fee; <br />north 6° 19' 58" east 53.13 feet to the northern termintt <br />access restriction. usofsaide <br />Bearings and distances used above are based on the California <br />Coordinate System, Zone III. To obtain ground distance, multiply <br />by 1.0000721. <br />Upon any proposed development of the remaining property now owned by Owner, <br />Owner shaZZ have the right to construct a street and signaled intersection to <br />City specifications northerly of the existing off ramp from State Highway 50 <br />and construct a connecting street from said street aforementioned to the said <br />off ramp. Said streets shall be dedicated to the City and/or State as required. <br />The City would promote and support the re -vamping of the.freeway o <br />ff <br />owner instaZZ necessary access for new street at Hesperian Boulevard.ramp and <br />w �' <br />