t - '
<br />Bearings and distances used above are based on the California
<br />Coordinate System, Zone III,. 'To obtain ground distance, multiply
<br />by 1.0000721.
<br />Parcel 4
<br />A portion of that parcel of land described in the deed by
<br />Charles A. Russell Investment Co. to Ansil Inc: Corp., dated
<br />January 18, 1961, and recorded January 20, 1961, on Reel 249,
<br />Image 666, Official Records of Alameda County, described as
<br />follows:
<br />Beginning on the western line of Hesperian Boulevard at the
<br />northeastern corner of said parcel; thence along said western
<br />line, south 0° 54' 21" west 115.11 feet to the southern line of
<br />the parcel of land described in the deed by Luigi Pagano and
<br />Anna Pagano to Charles A. Russell Development Company, dated
<br />June 10, 1946, recorded June 18, 1946, in Book 4902, page 460,
<br />Official Records of Alameda County; thence along said southern
<br />line, south 84' 02' 32" west 9,19 feet; thence north 1` 04' 38"
<br />west 116.30 feet to the northern line of first mentioned parcel
<br />of land; thence along said northern line, south 88` 59' 18"
<br />east 13.14 feet to the point of beginning.
<br />The above described parcel of land contains 1289 square
<br />feet, more or less.
<br />Bearings and distances used above are based on the California
<br />Coordinate System, Zone III, To obtain ground distance, multiply
<br />by 1.0000721.
<br />Parcel 5
<br />A portion of that certain parcel of land described in the
<br />deed by Verna Overt!, a single person, to Ansil, Inc., a California
<br />corporation, dated June 4, 1956, and recorded June 11, 1956, in
<br />Book 8054, page 452, Official Records of Alameda County, described
<br />as follows:
<br />Commencing at the intersection of the southern line of
<br />Olive Street with the eastern line of Block 8, as shown on the
<br />map of Tract 774, filed June 27, 1947, in Book 8 of Maps, page 87,
<br />Alameda County Records; thence along said southern line of
<br />Olive Street south 88- 59' 18" east 80.03 feet to a tangent curve
<br />concave to the southwest, having a radius of 20 feet and a central
<br />angle of 89' 53' 39" said point of curvature being the ACTUAL
<br />POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along said curve easterly, southeasterly,
<br />and southerly, 31,38 feet to a tangent line, said tangent line
<br />being the western line of Hesperian Boulevard, as shown on said
<br />map, thence along said western line of Hesperian Boulevard south
<br />0° 54' 21" west 181,74 feet to the southern line of said parcel;
<br />thence along said southern line north W 59' 18" west 13.14
<br />feet; thence north 1`" 04' 38" west 182.56 feet to a tangent curve
<br />concave to the southwest, having a radius of 20 feet and a central
<br />angle of 81° 54' 40"; thence along said curve northerly, north-
<br />westerly, and westerly 30.69 feet to a tangent line, said tangent
<br />line being the said southern line of Olive Street; thence along
<br />said southern line of Olive Street south 88' 59' 18" east 19.45
<br />feet to the actual point of beginning.
<br />- 4 -
<br />