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acquire said property by eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, including <br />the application to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order permitting <br />the City of San Leandro to take immediate possession and use of the here- <br />inafter described real property or interest in real property as a right <br />of way for public use- Said City Attorney be and he hereby is authorized <br />to retain legal assistance in all matters in connection with the acquisition <br />of said property. <br />6: The property hereinabove referred to is all that real property <br />situated in the City of San Leandro, County of hla.neda, State of California, <br />more particularly described as follows: <br />Parcel 1 <br />A portion of that certain tract of land described in the deed <br />recorded May 25, 1949, in Volume 5806, page 57, Official Records <br />of Alameda County, described as foilows. <br />Beginning at a point on the western line of Hesperian Boulevard, <br />66 feet wide, at the northern terminus of the course designated <br />as "south 5° 47' 47" west 238.04 feet" in Parcel 3 of the Final <br />Order of Condemnation No. 258105, recorded March 29, 1955, in <br />Volume 7613, page 429, Official Records of Alameda County; thence <br />along the general northwestern line of said parcel 3, south <br />6` 19' 58" west 238.02 feet to a tangent curve concave to the <br />northwest, having a radius of 20 feet, and a central angle of <br />840 34' 23"; thence along said curve southwesterly, westerly, <br />and northwesterly 29.52 feet to a tangent line; thence along said <br />tangent line, north 89' 05' 39" west. 109.37 feet to a tangent curve <br />concave to the southeast, having a radius of 200 feet, and a <br />central angle of 38' 50' 47"; thence along said curve, northwesterly, <br />westerly, and southwesterly 135.60 feet to a point of cusp with a <br />tangent line; thence along said tangent line, north 52° 03' 34" <br />east 94.04 feet; thence south 89' 05' 39" east 165.36 feet; thence <br />north 6° 23' 42" east 256.12 feet to the northern line of that <br />certain parcel of land containing 0.50 of an acre described in <br />the deed by California Packing Corporation to D. Brunetti, a <br />single man, dated February 28, 1944, and recorded April 19, 1944, <br />in Book 4506, page 368, Official Records of Alameda County; <br />thence along said northern line, south 88' 58' 39" east 14.14 <br />feet to the aforementioned western line of Hesperian Boulevard; <br />thence along said western line of Hesperian Boulevard, south <br />0' 54' 21" west 14,61 feet to the point of beginning, and in <br />addition thereto, any and all abutter's rights of access appur- <br />tenant to remaining property, in and to said freeway, over and <br />across the courses described above with the lengths of 94.04 feet, <br />165.36 feet, and the southern 56.50 feet of the course described <br />above with the length of 256.12 feet; and any and all abutter's <br />rights other than access appurtenant to said remaining property <br />in and to said freeway. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 7257 square feet, <br />more or less <br />- 2 - <br />