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projected, thonco along tho lRst named line 279 feet, more or <br />lass, to the point of beginning. The said land 1:3 devised unto <br />the said City of San Leandro for the use, Purpose, and ot.cupatioT <br />of a public park only; reserving the residence building upon the <br />aforedescribed land, as well as the right of ingress and egress <br />thereto, unto my sister, N. Zoraida Woodward, for and during her <br />life as heroinbefore provided. <br />Fourth: I direct the executors of this Will to open <br />and improve the strip of land, from the Western line of the right <br />of way of the Southern Pacific Railroad to the above described_ <br />land, as a continuation of Ward Street; and further direct them <br />to open and improve, including the laying water and gas mains, <br />the construction of sewers, curbs, gutters and sidewalks, gradi <br />and macadamizing of the roadway, and planting of shade trees, <br />and such other as may drove of benefit and will make the proper <br />more desirable, through the remaining land belonging to me and <br />situate contiguous to the heroin devised land, on a line from <br />about North to South and at right angles with the Westerly end <br />of said Ward Street when opened as aforesaid: thereupon have <br />the remaining lands subdivided into lots and sell the lots. If <br />possible, I direct that a restriction on the minimum cost of <br />buildings be set at fifteen hundred dollars. The intersecting <br />streets through the said remaining lands should likewise be <br />improved. I also direct that the public park be named the <br />"Thrasher Park" and the street heroinbefore mentioned be named <br />"Woodward Avenue." <br />Fifth: I direct that all my property be sold: and as <br />the property is being sold to use the proceeds to first pay all <br />bequests heroin made and such expenses as must be paid in the <br />course of administration, thereafter to use the proceeds for <br />the laying out and ornamentation of the heroin devised public <br />-3- <br />a a <br />