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,M <br />It further appearing t i - a.t pondinp, t1lo <br />nai.d estate, to -wit: On the 12th day of June, 1110, tho raid exe- <br />cutrix, N. Z. Woodward who was one of the beneficiaries under the <br />will of M. C. Thrasher, decea©ed, died teptat©, a resident of <br />Alameda County, State of California; that thereafter such pro- <br />ceedings were had in the "D'uperior Court of the State of California, <br />in and for the County of Alameda, in the matter of the estate of <br />N. Z. Woodward, that the will of said decedent was admitted to <br />probate and an executor was appointed, and qualified as such and <br />proceeded to adminkAer upon the estate of said decedent; and <br />thereafter said court did by its decree of distribution duly given, <br />made and filed in the matter of said estateof N. Z. Woodward, <br />diotribute the estate of said Woodward, and therein and thereby <br />the interest of the estate of N. Z. Woodward in the property of <br />said S. M. C. Thrasher was distributed to the following; named <br />persons in the following proportions, to -wits <br />Julia Spaulding, an undivided one-third; <br />Flavel L. Logan, an undivided one-third; <br />Flavel A. Woodward, an undivided one-third. <br />It further appearing to this court that thereafter on the <br />9th day of May, 19140 J. N. Frank, one of the surviving executors <br />died; leaving C. Q. Rideout as the surviving executor of the last <br />will of S. m. C. Thrasher, deceased, and <br />It further appearing to the court that prior to the death <br />of said N. Z. Woodward, Flora M. woodward, one of tho beneficiaries <br />under the will of said S. M. 0. Thrasher, deceased, and an heir <br />at law, died and that prior to her death she, the said Flora I.I. <br />Woodward, by an instrument in writing, did grant, transfer, assign <br />and set over unto her mother, Urana Barney, <br />all of her, the said <br />in and to all of the property and esta e <br />Flora U. Woodward's interest <br />of said S. M. C. Thrasher, and <br />It further appearing, that thereafter, the said Urana Harney <br />3. <br />I <br />,. <br />IV <br />