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10 shares of the capital stock of the Control <br />'Savings Bank of Oakland, California. <br />5 shares of tho capital stock of the Central <br />National Bank of Oakland, California. <br />4 bonds for $500 each issued by the Suburban <br />Light & Power Company. <br />Cash -- -- 42595.40 <br />IT IS FURTHER HEREBY ORDT,RFD, ADJUDGED AND DLCRLI.D, that <br />any and all other property including the real property hereinafter <br />described belonging; to the estate of said S. N1. C. Thrasher, do - <br />coaled, or which may have been owned by her at the time of her <br />death, or in which she may have had any interest,'to the extent of <br />that interest, and any and all property belonging; to her estate <br />which is not now known or discovered, or which is not otherwise in <br />this decree described shall be, and the same is hereby distributed <br />to the following; named persons in the following proportions, to -wit <br />To the City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation, <br />one-third (1/3) thereof. <br />And the remainin8hwo-thirds (2/3) thereof to the <br />following named persons on the following proportions, <br />to -wit: <br />To W. A. Spauldin , (assignee of Julia Spaulding) <br />an undivided 4115 thereof. <br />To Flavel A. Woodward, an undivided 4/15 thereof. <br />To George L. Crabtree, (assignee of Flavel L. Logan) <br />an undivided 4/15 thereof. <br />To L. Michael, as adminiRtrator with the will annexed <br />of the estate of Urana Barney, deceased, as assets of <br />the estate of said decedent, and for the purpose of <br />administration therein, an. undivided 3/15 thereof, <br />and the real property mentioned in this paragraph is described as <br />follows, to -wit: <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southerly line of <br />"Ward. Street" with the Westerly line of "Alvarado Street", in the <br />City of San Leandro, California, and running thence South 620 Vyost,' <br />along; the said line of "Ward Street", 14.15 feet to the North- <br />eastorly line of the right of way belonging to the Central Pacific <br />Railroad Company; thence South•420 41' 30" Fast, along said line of <br />said right of way, 55*79 feet to tho Nostorly line of "Alvarado <br />Street"; and thence North 280 West along; said line of "Alvarado <br />Street" 53.97 feet to the place of beginning. <br />Q! <br />10 <br />