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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 605, 1966
City Clerk
City Council
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Deed - Washington Ave, widening - File 605, 1966
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Last modified
9/21/2022 2:25:31 PM
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9/21/2022 2:23:52 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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COMMENCING at the intersection of the northwestern line of West Avenue 141 with <br />the southwestern line of Washington Avenue, formerly Watkins Street, as said <br />avenues existed February la 1961; thence along the said southwestern line of <br />Washington Avenue north 28 west 150 feet to its intersection with the north- <br />western line of the parcel of land described in the deed from Domenico Luigi <br />Maggi and Gentile Maggi, his wife, to John J. Maggi and Emily B. Maggi, his <br />wife, recorded November 19, 1951, in book 6590 of Official Records of Alameda <br />County, page 486, the last mentioned point of intersection being the actual <br />point of beginning; thencecontinuing along the said southwestern line of <br />Washington Avenue north 280 west 263 feet to the northwestern line of the first <br />mentioned parcel of land; thence along the last mentioned line south 62° west <br />12.00 feet to a line parallel with the said southwestern line of Washington <br />Avenue and 12.00 feet, measured at right angles, southwesterly therefrom; <br />thence ilong said parallel line south 28° east 263 feet to the aforementioned <br />northwestern line of the John Maggi parcel; thence along the last mentioned <br />line north 62° east 12.00 feet to the point of beginning. <br />BEING a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed from Matali Busmano, <br />also known as Natalia Gusmano, and Dora Gusmano, his wife, to Domenico Luigi <br />Maggi and Gentile Maggi, his wife, recorded July 19, 1923, in book 434 of <br />Official Records of Alameda County, page 426. <br />Optionee shall install curbs and gutters along the frontage on Washington <br />Avenue at no expense to Optionor. Optionor shall remove and/or relocate <br />fencing now on subject property at no cost to 6ptionee. <br />
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