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BEGINNING on the southwestern line of Washington Avenue, 60 feet wide, at <br />the most northern corner of the parcel of land described in the deed by <br />Izabel A. Silva, a widow, to William J. Silva, a married man, dated February <br />10, 1950 and recorded April 25, 1958 in Book 8656, page 97, Official Records <br />of Alameda County (said point of beginning being south 270 30' east 300 feet <br />from the southeastern line of West Avenue 141, formerly Third Avenue); <br />thence along the slid southwestern line of Washington Avenue south 27030' <br />east 149.66 feet to the northwestern line of Parcel One as described in the <br />deed by William J. Silva and Maude L. Silva, his wife, to Central Developers, <br />Inc., a California corporation; dated October 9, 1963, and recorded October <br />31, 1963, in Reel 1034, Image 8, Official Records of Alameda County: thence <br />along the said northwestern line of Parcel One, south 62° 30' west 12.00 <br />feet; thence north 27' 30' west 149.66 feet to the northwestern line of the <br />first mentioned parcel of land (Izabel A. Silva to William J. Silva); thence <br />along said northwestern line, north 62° 30' east 12.00 feet to the point of <br />beginning. <br />Optionee shall install curbs and gutters at no expense to Optionor. <br />Optionor shall have the right to retain the brick and iron gate after <br />removal from subject property. <br />