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Gam/ <br />OFFICE Or THE <br />MAYOR <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CITY HALL - 835 EAST 14TH STREET <br />SAN LEANDRO. CAT FORMA <br />Title Insurazrce 6 'must Company <br />105 Parrott :street <br />San Leandro, California <br />Gentletren : <br />,January 19, 1967 <br />Please refer to your escrow #608291, dated May 20, 1965, Irene Hunster <br />prr»rty. <br />Enclosed arp the following,: a City warrant in tie ai,cunt of $6,40.50, a <br />copy of an ortion describing the property to be conveyed, and a sit-:ned Lut undated <br />certificate of authorization by the City Clerk accepting; the deed on behalf of the <br />City. F1iU price of the ,�mperty being taken is $6,477.50 -- v10.00 having been <br />paid to the cymer at the tire of taking; the option. ($4,500 of t>e total purcnase <br />prioe re -)resents the value of the land and the balance is for reimbursement for <br />parkin►, imprvverments. ) <br />4ii1 you please prepare a dead des cribin?, the optioned F)M.;erty, conveying <br />title from Munster unnster to the City of San Leandro.'a i zunicipal Corporation. <br />Altihous=,h not a Dart of the escrow, this transactim will obliszate the City to in- <br />stall curbs and gutters ai vout exT>e nse to t,`k-: seller of the property. 'Taxes ax-e <br />to be . rorated as of the date of recorttilh, ; the deed. By se->amte copy of this <br />letter I art requestini, the present owner to contact you to sit_ri the deed. Upon <br />recordation of the need and issuance of the policy of title insurance, showing <br />title free and clear of all liens and encu; brand es, with the exception of the <br />easement to the i:ast !day i-iunicii)al Jtility District snown is itan, #3 osh ttia prelim- <br />inary title report, you are autnorized to deliver payrs;�nt to the per-3on entitled <br />thereto. <br />Please have the deed recorded and returned to the City Manager's Office, City <br />tir311, San Leandr l California. Please make a note of this last instruction on the <br />back of the need. Also, send title insurance policy and closint-, statement to tiie <br />City Manah,er's Office. <br />If you have any questions, please cccitaet tie. <br />LE.s:: ed <br />Encl. <br />cc: Public Works �33 rector <br />City Clerk ✓ <br />Finance Officer <br />Irene tlinster <br />Very truly gouts, <br />L. L. ftiorelan <br />Assistant City Nana€;er <br />