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VIAV 9 `� r <br />LXHIBIT "A11 <br />All that certain real property situate in the <br />City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, !Ctate of <br />L31 <br />California, and more particularly described as follows; <br />Parce <br />A portion of Lot J, as said Lot is shown on the "Map of the <br />Vegetable Lands", etc., filed October 9, 1906 in Book 21 of Maps at <br />Page 64 in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County described <br />as follows: <br />Parcel 1: <br />BEGINNING at the most Eastern corner of said Lot J, being a <br />point in the center line of an unnamed road, 49.50 feet wide, and running <br />thence along the Northeastern line of said Lot J North 300 59' 30" West <br />278.00 feet to the most Southern line of the parcel of land condemned <br />in action in the Alameda County Superior Court, entitled Hayward Union <br />High School District of Alameda County, State of California, a public <br />corporation, plaintiff, v. Santino D. Meo, Betty Meo, Frank H. Howard, <br />Marcella Howard, Guardian Title Company, a California corporation, <br />F. Stenzel Farms, Inc., a corporation, et al, defendants, Case No. 321665 <br />in a Final Order of Condemnation recorded March 7, 1963 under Recorder's <br />Series No. AU/40859; thence along the last named line South 59° 00' 30" <br />West 29.00 feet; thence parallel with said Northeastern line of Lot J <br />South 30° 59' 30" East 278.00 feet to the Southeastern line of said Lot <br />J; thence along the last named line North 590 00' 30" East 29.00 feet to <br />the point of beginning. <br />AW1593O7 <br />Parcel 2: <br />BEGINNING at the most Western corner of the exterior boundary <br />of Tract 1876 as shown on the map thereof filed July 25, 1957 in Book 38 <br />of Maps, at Pages 35 and 36, in the office of the County Recorder of <br />Alameda County; thence SEly along said exterior boundary along the arc <br />of a curve with a radius of 4000.00 feet a distance of 210.39 feet to <br />a Northeastern line of the parcel of land condemned in action in the <br />Alameda County Superior Court, entitled Hayward Union High School <br />District of Alameda County, State of California, a public corporation, <br />plaintiff, v. Santino D. Meo, Betty Meg, Frank H. Howard, Marcella <br />Howard, Guardian Title Company, a California corporation, F. Stenzel <br />Farms, Inc., a corporation, et al, defendants, Case No. 321665 in a <br />Final Order of Condemnation recorded March 7, 1963 with Recorder's Series <br />No. AU/40859; thence along said Northeastern line and along the boundary <br />of said parcel of land condemned in action in the Alameda County Superior <br />Court, Case No. 321665, the two following courses and distances North <br />30° 59' 30" West 212.28 feet and North 78o 42' 40" East 5.87 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />The foregoing instrument is a <br />correct copy of the original <br />on file in this office, <br />ATTEST: OCT 1 19 <br />1LCI,E, f, u yet <br />Q / nt e:-ofti iD r0 toB _ n_- tklpu <br />