I a!r, vb-196Ex. "A" open
<br />for Ildiv Serv. OIP
<br />EXHIBIT "A"
<br />All that certain real property situate in the City of San
<br />LeandrosCounty of Alameda , State of California, more particularly
<br />described as follows:
<br />Parcel 4
<br />A portion of Lots J and L, as said Lots are shown on the "Map
<br />of the Vegetable Lands," etc., filed October 9, 1906 in Book 21 of Maps,
<br />at Page 64, in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County,
<br />described as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at the Southwestern corner of the parcel of land
<br />described in the Deed from F. Stenzel Farms, Inc., a corporation, to
<br />City of San Leandro, dated May 5, 1960 and recorded June 1, 1960 in
<br />Reel 98, Image 401, of Official Records of Alameda County, and running
<br />thence along the Southwestern line of the parcel described in said Deed
<br />North 300 59' 30" West 565.64 feet and Nally and Northerly along the arc
<br />of a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 2000.00 feet, through
<br />an angle of 170 391 22", for a distance of 616.31 feet to the South-
<br />western line of the parcel of land described in the Deed from F. Stenzel
<br />Farms, Inc., to Alameda Caunty Flood Control and Water Conservation
<br />District, dated March 5., 1959 and recorded September 8, 1959 in Book
<br />9144, Page 383, of said Official Records; thence along last named line
<br />North 580 20' 4411 West 100.11 feet to a line drawn parallel with the
<br />Southwestern line of the parcel described in said Deed to City of San
<br />Leandro and distant 72.00 feet SWly therefrom, measured radially or at
<br />right angles thereto; thence along said parallel line Southerly and
<br />SEly along the arc of a curve with a radius of 2072.00 feed, through an
<br />angle of 190 36' 49", for a distance of 709.29 feet, and South 300 59'
<br />30 East 829.65 feet to the direct extension NEly of a Southeastern
<br />line of the parcel of land condemned in Action in the Alameda County
<br />Superior Court, entitled Hayward Union High School District of Alameda
<br />County, State of California, a public corporation, plaintiff v. Santino
<br />D. Meo, Betty Meo, Frank H. Howard, Marcella Howard, Guardian Title
<br />Company, a California corporation, F. Stenzel Farms, Inc., a corporation,
<br />et al, defendants, Case No. 321665 in a Final Order of Condemnation
<br />-ecorded March 7, 1963 under Recorder's Series No. AU/40859, the last
<br />said Southeastern line being designated in said Action as "North 59' 00'
<br />30" East 825.74 feet;" thence along said extended line South 59° 00' 3C
<br />West 14 feet to the Northeastern terminus of the last said Southeastern
<br />line; thence along the boundary of the parcel of land condemned in said
<br />Action the four following courses and distances: South 300 59' 301t East
<br />981.11 feet; North 590 001 30" East 43.00 feet; North 300 59' 30" West
<br />982.52 feet; and North 780 42' 40" East 45.67 feet to the point of begin
<br />n ing . A W159308
<br />The foregoing instrument is a
<br />correct copy of the original
<br />on file in this office.
<br />ATTEST: OCT 1 1964
<br />JACK PLUE, Gouty Clerk
<br />C t Jerk and Ef io Clerk of the
<br />Su e r urt of tha ' a California is
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