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After recording retuft to: <br />R. H. West, City'Clerk <br />City of San Leandro <br />835 E. 14th St. <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />RE.3'2.99 IN1:959 <br />ie= I b5J I I D M E UE <br />R. H. WEST, CITY CLERK <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />DEED <br />MEL K. DOLLINGER and ROSALYN DOLLINGER, his wife, as Joint <br />Tenants, and MICHAEL I. DOLLINGER and CAROL P . DOLLINGER, his <br />wife, as Joint Tenants, hereby grant to the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO , a <br />municipal corporation, all that land situated in the City of San Leandro, <br />County of Alameda, State of California, being a portion of Lot 42 in <br />Tract 2864, as said lot is shown on the map of Tract 2864 filed July 20, <br />1967 in Book 55 cf daps at page 46, Alameda County Records, and being <br />further described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the northwest line of said Lot 42, said <br />point being the paint of tangency with a curve, concave to the <br />south, having a radius of 30.00 feet and a central angle of <br />90° 01' 46" as said lot and curve are shown or said map; thence <br />••��nn. Ct�rj� `ass iv -Y1d 1the 1, a'`-.1 Baia C`.:rvc a ..�=r._ , _ COL _,,.SSt�r�� :1 _ �, <br />distance of 47.139 feet to a tangent line, said tangent line being <br />the northeast line of said Lot 42; thence along last said line <br />south 60° 14' 20" east, 10.005 feet to a point of cusp with a <br />tangent curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 40.00 feet <br />and a central angle of 90' 01' 46"; thence northwesterly, westerly, <br />and southwesterly along last said curve a distance of 62.852 feet <br />to a point of cusp with a tangent line, last said tangent lire <br />being the said rorthsaect line of Lot 42; thence along last said <br />line north 29' 43` S4" east 10.005 feet to the Beginning. <br />The above -described parcel of land contains 150 square feet, more <br />or less. <br />Dated: /►/c ,=,•, 6E-L /C7 19 72-- <br />RECORDED at REQUEST OF <br />CITY OF RVI I EANnRn <br />0. <br />pia 5 Min. Past/02 P'M, <br />DEC — 7 1972 <br />OFFICIAL' RECORDS OF <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />JACK G. BLUE <br />COUNTY RIXORDER <br />el 1. Dollinger <br />Rog-alyn Dollinger <br />9 <br />J�fchael I. Dollinger <br />w <br />Carol P.' Dollinger <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. <br />SAN MATEO <br />COUNTY OF AMMUM <br />On this tenth day of November 1972, before me <br />Fred A. Cravens , a notary public in and for said County <br />and State, personally appeared Michael I. Dollinger and Carol P. Dollinger <br />known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the Uthin instrument, <br />and acknowledged that they executed the same. <br />FI& <br />OFFICIAL SEALFRED A. CRAVENS(Seal) OTARYPUBLIC-CALIFORNIA Notary Public in and for said <br />SAN MATEO COUNTY County and State <br />CommissionExpiresAug.16,1976, <br />