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Return t0: „0 ER VE 9J <br />Richard H. West, City Clerk + E:3440 IM:•` 71 <br />Civic Center R. H. WEST, CITY CLERK ` <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO {1 <br />835 East 14th Street 73-*80639 <br />San Leandro, California 94577 GRANT DEED VV� <br />DAVID J. ROSENBERG and ELAINE ROSENBERG, Husband and Wife, <br />as Joint Tenants, HENRY E. FOURCADE and WILMA FOURCADE, His Wife, and <br />RONALD H. KAUFMAN and BARBARA KAUFMAN, His Wife, hereby grant to the <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, all that real property <br />situated in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of Lot 8, as said lot <br />is shown on the "Partition Map of the Leonard Stone Estate", <br />filed October 8, 1895, in Book 15 of Maps at page 36, Alameda <br />County Records, and being further described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the northwest line of said <br />lot 8 and the northeast line of Alvarado Street, as said street <br />is shown on the map of Tract 1507, filed March 16, 1955 in Book <br />35 of Maps at pages 68 and 69, Alameda County Records; thence <br />along last said line south 27° 46' 30" east 65.43 feet to the <br />TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence along a tangent curve, concave <br />to the north, having a radius of 100.00 feet and a central angle <br />of 89' 49' 18", southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly a distance <br />of 156.77 feet to a tangent line drawn parallel with and 10.00 <br />feet northwesterly, measured at right angles, from the northwest <br />line of Fremont Avenue, as last said avenue is shown on the said <br />Tract 1507; thence along said tangent line north 62' 24' 12" east <br />250.31 feet to the northeast line of that certain parcel of land <br />described in the Deed from Ronald H. Kaufman, et al., to Henry E. <br />Fourcade, et al., dated October 28, 1963, and recorded November 15, <br />1963, in Book 1047, at Page 251, Alameda County Records; thence <br />along the last said line south 27° 46' 30" east 10.00 feet to the <br />northwest line of said Fremont Avenue; thence along last said line <br />south 62° 24' 12" west 250.31 feet to a tangent curve concave to <br />the north, having a radius of 100.00 feet and a central angle of <br />89' 49' 18"; thence along said tangent curve southwesterly, westerly, <br />northwesterly a distance of 156.77 feet to a tangent line; thence <br />along last said tangent line north 27' 46' 30" west 10.00 feet to <br />the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 3,500 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />DATED: <br />DAVID J: ENBERG <br />HENRY E. FOURCADE <br />OVA <br />x <br />O D H. RAUF `Z <br />ELAINE ROSENBERG <br />'J <br />X l] <br />WILMA FOURCADE <br />BARBARA KAUFMAN <br />