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Please record and return ti <br />Richard H. West RE:3639 K276 <br />City Clerk ?tI <br />City of San Leandro 1'f-- 7 3026 C,4�1 <br />835 East 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 PFrrl "rn, <br />GRANT OF EASEMENT 19A JUN -6 'Pq 1:1+1 <br />*Rf <br />MARGARET M. MILLER hereby grants to the C ITY ;_F <br />perpetual easement in, on, under and over the following described real <br />property for the purpose of installation and maintenance of a traffic <br />signal controller: <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of Lot W, Block R, as <br />shown on the "Map of Mulford Gardens Manor", filed May 1, 1929, <br />in Book 8 of Maps at page 5, Alameda County Records, and being <br />further described as follows: <br />Commencing at the intersection of the southwest line of Doolittle <br />Drive (formerly Shoreline Boulevard) with the northwest line of <br />Fairway Drive (formerly Second Avenue) as said drives are shown <br />on said map; thence along the last said line south 62°30'00" <br />west 34.00 feet to a point, described as a point of cusp in the <br />deed from John V. Sellars to the City of San Leandro, dated <br />October 12, 1965, and recorded October 26, 1965, on Reel 1627 <br />at Image 696, Alameda County Records, said point being the TRUE <br />POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along the last said line <br />south 62°30'00" west 6.00 feet; thence north 27°30'00" west 3.50 <br />feet; thence north 62°30'00" east 6.00 feet; thence south <br />27°30'00" east 3.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />The above described parcel of land contains 21 square feet, <br />more or less. Assessor's No. 79-A 582 1-2 <br />1JA-1:I;IJ' 0auuaiy s <br />DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX g -. No Consideration <br />..... ._....... COMPUT ON FULL VALUE OF K :%'.:RiY C-ONVLYED. <br />O OMPU D ON F VALUE .S ! IZNS AND <br />NCUMB N AI TIME SALE. <br />Signatu of Declarant or Agent -determining tax, Firm Name <br />aw OF San Leandro ❑ Unincorporated <br />3, IY/4 <br />RGARET M. MILLER <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF ALAMEDA ) <br />On this 23rd day of January , 1974, before men Richard H. West <br />a notary public in and for the County of Alameda, State of California, personally <br />appeared Margaret M. Miller, known to me to be the person whose name is <br />subscribed to the within instrument, and a ed that she executed the same. <br />_1 <br />OFFICIAL SL:ALZ <br />IN <br />RICHARD H. WEST <br />NOTARY PUBLIC — CALIFORtAa _ Notary Public in and for the County of <br />PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN THE Alameda State of California <br />COU;4TY OF ALAMEDA <br />My Commission Expires Jan. 3, 1977 <br />dsesooe3aaue_�euusnunuuuuuuunuuufs <br />