the following described real property situated in the City of - San Leandro,, _
<br />County of _ Alswda_ _ _ _ _, State of California, and more particularly
<br />described as follows, to wits - - - - - - -- - - - - - - ------ - - - - - -
<br />Those portlons of Flat I)f i;hc fj:r.roho SO(, L,(rac,dro filially confirmed
<br />to Jose Joaquin Estudillo, records of said county, described as
<br />f o].lows :
<br />PARCEL
<br />I EGITIJII14G at a point on tine so"thrr:, 1 i ne of E Ftudillo or Ward
<br />Avenue, distant thereon R"'. feet E ,aster]y from the northeastern
<br />corner of that certa'r h12cel of l "u!d conveyed l,y John D. Ward
<br />et a7, t,� John Re -a, -on, Deed d:.1:ed Ap!Wil ?0, 1867 �ur.d recorded
<br />i.n ^001: 110 of Deeds, I'a e In( Alameda Coucity ilecoras; thence
<br />Paster]y aaorrt; said line of Lst!rdillo or rtrd Avenue as orihin-
<br />-111, ]aid out, --7G fc?et; tirr•ic-, it ri(,;:,t an;;lcs southety ^�'r feet
<br />o inches to the northern 'line of Joaquin Avenue; thence westerl;,
<br />.1]011said last named lli r, 4 feet; th�:!�ce north 47° 115E west 139
<br />feetVI inch to tho so!rta•-rn cor!icr of tir<at certain parcel of .lance
<br />Jan:ez CorNi-n to G. A. Dnvid-,on, by Deed dated ;eptcm' cr
<br />i �� �•nc reco �ded i.l, '+dole ';4 of Deeds, at 1'aoe 66, M ameds
<br />Colinty Records; tiret,ce ,! rrtherly at t,i dirt to Edudillo or
<br />Ward Avenue, 164 feet to the point of hegirhing;
<br />I:XCIa `i'INC '.l'IiFRLFROh1 th:.rt Fi)rti �r� t,c r�r de:;cri.►,c.d in the Deed frorr
<br />Charles Huward M_1_1.ler an,1 Maude. . �i .I l c r, hl , Sri. fe, to Jc,r;en Petersen
<br />and Dora Petersen, his w;.f.e, dated December 9, 1929 and recorded
<br />February 7, 1930 to Look 2323 of Official i3ccords, Pale 99, des-
<br />cri i;cd as Follows:
<br />BF.GI1`TIING nt a potnt on tine northern line c�?' Joaquin Avenue, d.i stant
<br />thereon 97.75 feet eaoterly from the i.ntPrnecti on thereof wi.tiz the
<br />eastern line of East 14th Street; thence at rt,;ht ongles northerly
<br />11.c`5 feet from the point of l,e�"in,ring; t:h:nice northerly from said
<br />point of 'iecrinni.n(r at right anEles tc ;;aid line of Joaquin Avenue
<br />62.'�17' feet; thence westerly :and parallel said line of Jo,,iquin
<br />Avenue 311.20 feet thence southerly 1n a direct line to the point
<br />of he!;inning.
<br />pARCEIL 2: ----- - -- - - - "�
<br />FEGINNT_NG at a point on the eastern ►,oundar;i line of that certain
<br />lot or parcel of land conveyed by T. H. Rant7,ar-,, et al to Daniel
<br />st .,y Deed dated 11ovember ] (0; ar.d recorded i n Book 36'•7 of
<br />Deeds, at Page 7, Alameda Couity REcords, distant thereon 129.55
<br />feet south 19° 251 east from the point of i,,tersection of said
<br />t ot�.rc' rry line with the souti,crn line of Estudilllo or Ward Avenue,
<br />as said line of said Avenue now exists; thence south 700 351 west
<br />parallel. to the southern line of `;studillo or Ward Avenue 17.08
<br />feet to the sc.utheastern corner of that certain lot of land con-
<br />veyed 1)y J. A. HolCren, et a]., to Daniel re--t by Deed dated Dec-
<br />,t ,r 24, 1909 and recorded in Dook 1693 of Deeds, Page 125, Alameda
<br />Records;the)!ce south 470 1141 east aloes the northeastern
<br />11d,ary line ofth. ]ands formerV , elonL;ing 'to hers. Eliztbeth 13.
<br />Havre 36 feet to its intcrsectir-n withthe first a'oove mentioned
<br />:aouridary lines; and thence Said bounda'y line north ly° 251
<br />west 31.70 feet, more or less to the point i)f beginning.
<br />PARCEL 3:
<br />3tMn'IIPIG at a point or, the northc:io 31r e of Joaquin Avenue distant
<br />thereon C7.75 feet easterly from the intersection thereof the
<br />east! rn linc of Ea„t 31'th Sti-c:et; and riinnint, thence northerly ar�u
<br />Itrlto saica l-1ne of Joa hrtn AvF.:,�re ]1.05 feet; taler.,:
<br />�ut:.,aJ tr r di.r� Ot lines :, ?, c 7 f,,. t t,c, , r:,�i ! !, r n the
<br />lire c:[' J;a-Iuin Avenue 6 feet euaterly from the point of be,-inninL:
<br />t.rrz:a�c :reste,'1j -Ion. ; caid line or Joaquin A`,Fnue ; feet tc th-
<br />,.,�� :.t of ;-,eri nninf-
<br />