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Deed - San Leandro Blvd, widening at Washington Ave - File 870, 1972 pt1
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Deed - San Leandro Blvd, widening at Washington Ave - File 870, 1972 pt1
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9/21/2022 6:09:51 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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V <br />Real property in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, being a portion of that certain parcel <br />of land described in the Deed from G. W. Miller, a single <br />man, to John Perata and Antonietta Perata, his wife, as joint <br />tenants, dated May 15, 1944 and recorded May 20, 1944 in Book <br />4543 at page 241, Alameda County Records, a:,(''. being a portion <br />of that certain parcel of land described in the Deed <br />from Maud P. Faria, to John Perata and Antonietta Perata, his <br />wife, as joint tenants, dated September 18, 1957 and recorded <br />September 27, 1957 in Book 8480 at page 546, Alameda County <br />Records, and being further described as follows: <br />Beginning at the intersection of the northeast line of Washington <br />Avenue, 60.00 feet wide (formerly Watkins Street and County <br />Road No. 535), with the northwest line of the parcel of land <br />described in said deed from G. W. Miller (north 26"40'57" west <br />being taken as the bearing of said northeast line of Washington <br />Avenue for the purpose of this description); thence along said <br />northwest line north 43°14'03" east 49.58 feet to a point on <br />a non -tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius of <br />40.00 feet and a central angle of 20°48'20" (a radial line <br />of said curve to said point bears south 20°41'37" west); thence <br />easterly along said curve a distance of 14.52 feet; thence along <br />a line tangent to said curve north 89°53'17" east 11.33 feet; <br />thence easterly along a tangent curve, concave to the south, <br />having a radius of 704.00 feet through a central angle of 10°30'00" <br />a distance of 129.01 feet; thence along a line tangent to last said <br />curve south 79°36'43" east 49.21 feet to the northwest line of <br />the parcel of lard described in the Deed from John Perata, et al., <br />to Buon Tempo Club, a corporation, dated June 9, 1961 and recorded <br />June 16, 1961 on Reel 34:' at Image 423, Alameda County Records; <br />thence along last said line south 42°39'33" west 208.66 feet; <br />thence continuing along a line of last said parcel of lard north <br />76°54'07" west 19.90 feet; thence continuing alcng a line of <br />last said parcel of land south 43°44'03" west 6.84 feet to the <br />aforesaid northeast line of Washington Avenue; thence along last <br />said line north 26°40'57" west 157.50 feet to the Beginning. <br />The above described par,�:,l of land contains23,449 square feet, <br />more or less. <br />-7- <br />
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