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5 <br />RE:?559 IM:'i 18 <br />Joey is Pau 1eIro <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />DESCRIPTION <br />PROPOSED PROPERTY ACQUISITION <br />PLAZA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />REAL PROPERTY in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />A portion of Lots C and D'of Block 3 as said Lots and Block are shown on <br />the "Map of the Town of San Leandro, County Seat of Alameda County", recorded <br />June 14, 1870 in Book of Maps No. 1 at page 19. Alameda County Records, <br />described as follows: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the Southwestern line of Washington Avenue', <br />formerly Watkins Street. distant thereon North 28° 00' West, 125.00 feet from <br />the intersection thereof with the Northwestern line of West Joaquin Avenue, <br />formerly Hepburn Street; running thence along the Southwestern line of Washing- <br />ton Avenue, 35.00 feet; thence parallel to the Northwestern line of West <br />Joaquin Avenue South 62' 00' West 37.00 feet; thence parallel to the South- <br />western line of Washington Avenue South 28° 00' East 35.00 feet; thence parallel <br />to the Northwestern line of West Joaquin Avenue, North 620 00' East 37.00 feet <br />to the point of beginning. <br />Said parcel being part of an entire parcel. <br />