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<br />DEED 1,1
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<br />N O V 141972
<br />�i 4:00 P.M. M
<br />JACK G. BLUE. County Recorder
<br />a municipal corporation, all that land situated in the City of San Leandro,
<br />County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: Ci Y A;,cRNEY
<br />All of that certain parcel of land described on Reel 3071 at (vv V 20 1972
<br />Image 619, Alameda County Records, in the Order Settling
<br />Fourth and Final and Supplemental Account and Report of CITY OF SAW LE";''.�0
<br />Executor, Allowing Extraordinary Compensation and Of Final
<br />Distribution in the Matter of the Estate of Claude H. McEntyre,
<br />also known as C. H. McEntyre, also known as C. H. McEntyre, Sr.,
<br />in the favor of Claudia Iolanthe Williams, Alameda County
<br />Superior Court, Case No. 171,770, dated February 29, 1972, re-
<br />corded February 29, 1972 on Reel 3071 at Images 608 to 626,
<br />inclusive, Alameda County Records (72-26356), and being further
<br />described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the most southwesterly corner of Tract 2145 as
<br />shown on the map thereof, filed August 15, 1960, in Book 42
<br />of Maps at page 48, Alameda County Records, said corner being
<br />on the northeast line of the parcel of land described in the
<br />Deed from C. H. McEntyre, a widower, to Alameda County Flood
<br />Control and Water Conservation District, dated January 13, 1958
<br />and recorded February 17, 1958 in Book 8597 at page 169, Alameda
<br />County Records (AP/16344); thence along said northeast line
<br />north 58° 11' 20" west 46.02 feet, more or less; thence continuing
<br />along said northeast line, northwesterly, along a tangent curve
<br />concave to the northeast, having a radius of 107.00 feet, through
<br />a central angle of 13' 59' 48" a distance of 26.14 feet; thence
<br />continuing along said northeast line, tangent to last said curve,
<br />north 44' 11' 32" west 22.63 feet to the northwest line of that
<br />certain 41.21 acre parcel of land described in the Deed from
<br />Thomas Jefferson McAuley, a single man, to C. H. McEntyre, a
<br />widower, dated March 23, 1951 and recorded April 30, 1951 in
<br />Book 6424 at page 117, Alameda County Records (AF/36423); thence
<br />along the last said line north 31' 23' 40" east 124 feet, more
<br />or less, to a point on the west line of said Tract 2145; thence
<br />along said west line, southerly, along a curve concave to the
<br />east, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet (a radial line of last
<br />said curve to last said point bears south 89' 48' 54" west)
<br />through a central angle of 4° 48' 30", a distance of 160 feet,
<br />more or less, to the Beginning.
<br />The above described parcel of land contains 6,139 square feet,
<br />more or less.
<br />Dated: October i , 1972.
<br />I4' ll�rK c f! L�Zt -ta-
<br />Claudia Iolanthe Williams
<br />9 /4
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